0 + 2 =?

It’s been how long now since we had to ship robots? (16 years in FiM)

So why is Week 0 still 2 weeks before Week 1?


Because we have week 1/2! in particular, ISR District Event 1 starts on Saturday, Feb 24 this year, exactly 1 week after our “week-0” events.


Starts on Sunday afaik

Load-in is on Saturday, competition starts on Sunday… regardless, the point still stands - week-0 events are on the weekend before the first event starts this year.

While on the subject of this thread, where can I find week 0 events? Still just the FIRST twitch accounts or is it somewhere specific due to being week 0?

I’m just planning on using TBA GameDay to watch the events.

Because the “official” week 0 is more about putting the field and FMS thru its paces than teams testing robots. And any lessons learned from that week 0 take time to incorporate and pass along.


I don’t think many of them are live streamed. For example, the Week 0 event in our area (scrimmage at Vitruvian field) isn’t streamed

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Field is set up on Friday, load in is on competition day. Saturday is the national rest day.


I honestly can see first starting earlier in the next year or two. That would allow districts to go back to 6 weeks of competitions before DCMP. FiM is going to struggle having enough volunteers for 6 events every week. There is already 6 in week 2 this year and next year will be worse

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The problem with changing the FRC season schedule is that it’s tough to extend the season without intruding on the two events FIRST has made sure the season sits between: winter holidays and AP testing. I agree that an extension will probably be necessary eventually (though more so there can be more levels of advancement throughout the season) but it sadly won’t be as simple as starting a week earlier or ending a week later.

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But does starting competitions a week earlier conflict with something? As others are saying for districts to need to cram everything into 5 weeks before the district championship is quite the challenge. And it provides the same amount of build season as in The Before Times.

(I do recognize that there are conflicts no matter what you do, including events like Easter and Passover which change their timing on the Gregorian calendar each year and often cause scheduling challenges with FRC.)


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Not “we”, its “us folks”

And not even all of those… 5 seasons for those of us that don’t have to cross oceans, and they just started allowing hand carry to Champs last year.

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