Did I miss an update or something that has made the 05/06 KOP transmissions legal? I thought it was clearly stated in update #2 that they were disallowed. Yes I know this is a travesty because they were great tranny’s but a rule is a rule and I’ve seen many robots using them this year all which had already passed inspection.
This seems to be a very significant rule bender/breaker because of all the problems with the bane bots not hacking it. I just wanted to get clarification because when I bring it up to teams they kind of just shrug it off and ignore the update when I’ve shown it to them.
No, they are not allowed this year. If you see them, be sure you know what you are looking at…The AM 1 speed transmission is perfectly legal and looks quite a bit like the old KOP ones. I have seen many teams using the AM 1 speeds this year.
The ‘major’ difference is the AM are slightly thinner than the 2006 KOP single speeds. And if teams are practicing GP, they will leave the AM stickers on them…and the AM’s have provisions for a 3" CIM as well. One mounting hole is a lot larger than the other.
Ok thanks for the clarification. The few instances I was referencing I asked the teams if they were the KOP from last year and they said they were. I showed them the update and said they had slightly modified them ( like added a spacer or something ) and that the inspectors said they were ok.
But there were others that I just didn’t mention and they may have been the Andy Marks (I wasn’t able to get a close inspection). I completely forgot they look similar so I will have to be more careful to be quick to judge.
I can name specific examples but won’t because I believe that would be disrespectful to the teams the ones I could talk to I already have.
As specified in robot rules rev G, the KOP transmission from 2006 was a custom made part fot the KOP and as such is not available to all teams therefore not legal.
<R28> COTS ITEMS that are generally available may be used on the ROBOT. COTS ITEMS from
ROBOTS entered in previous FIRST competitions or COTS ITEMS that are no longer
commercially available may be used under the following conditions:
° The item must be unmodified, and still in its original condition as delivered from the
° The item must not be a part custom made for the FIRST competition and provided in a
previous FRC Kit Of Parts (e.g. 2006 FRC transmissions, custom-made motor couplers,
custom sensor strips, IFI CMUcam II modules, etc. are not permitted)
I think this is going to be an issue with quite a few teams. I know of several teams that were using the 2006 camera and got away with it. (The 2007 version does’t work effectively, if at all. Adam from Intellitek was having problems with it and he wrote the EasyC software for Intellitek).
And even better… the pinion gear for the big cim has a d-shaft hole cut into it and is the right tooth count to match its input rpm with that of a small cim.