1,038 Florida Regional 2009 Photos


I organized them as best as I could so that everyone could find what they wanted quickly.

My contact information is on the site and also here on CD if you want the larger size please send me a PM or email with the IMG_XXXX or a link to the page of the image and I will send it off as soon as possible.

Thank you to the Florida Regional Committee for allowing me to photo stalk the regional :slight_smile:

Michelle, these are fantastic!!! Thanks for posting




^this is like the best photo of our robot Ive’ ever seen…

it almost looks like we used the exact same bumper cloth as FIRST used for the trailers…

Great pictures!

If you want to see some cool pics from Florida, you can see them here.

I’m still trying to figure out what the heck that thing was supposed to be.

I love that you took that exact number of pics.

Hahaha… Whatever it was, it was also in CT for our regional event.
I think it must have been brought there by the AV crew as it was sitting on their equipment when I got there to set up the field on Wednesday night.

The picures are great!

That’s the “Mooning Buddha”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent photos!

Come on ED, it’s a statue of you holding a moon rock. Could it be any clearer?

Gracious professionalism is causing me to delete all the responses dancing around in my head right now…

Way to be strong, Ed!

Michelle - the photos are great and I am most impressed with your categorizing of the shots! I wish you could come and categorize the zillion of team photos we have on our website!

I think I’ll be paying more to slap Steve with a pie again at Ruckus instead.

Excellent. I saw you taking the pics, you were all over the place. Great job.

Amazing photos; thanks Michelle for capturing so many “Kodak moments”! Your thorough pictorial coverage of the Regional, & particularly the time you spent organizing everything, is greatly appreciated.

Wow these are amazing pictures, I was wondering who took that pic of all 8 alliance captains.

all those pics were taken by the same person

Ms. Michelle Celio… Adam, you should meet her, shes one of the great people in FIRST, and one of the coolest i’ve ever met in my FIRST career