10 Balls. 1 Second. Team 100.

10 Balls. 1 Second.

Sry its sideways :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be the first to say :ahh: I’m scared

Wow… Nice. Having that much accuracy at that high of a rate is a very good accomplishment.

Is the launcher powered by a CIM?


Awesome works guys! Good luck this season!

that is scary, but if they miss they are so screwed.:smiley: i am not looking forward to going against that at davis

Can’t wait to see you at Sac!

So Hachiban, I say You, Us, and 1717 party up this year to be the MadWildineers. BTW, I like it, a video of it driving would be pretty awesome. See you guys at Davis.

All I have to say is wow…

I knew there was a reason we decided to go to LA instead of Sacremento.

Holy Cow that’s impressive! Something tells me you guys are going to do great this year! Good luck to you! :smiley:

oh man… if a robot gets in range of you guys they… will have 10 more orbit balls in their trailer. assuming you get the right angle. man that thing is scary :yikes:

Wait so… the sideways aspect isn’t some sort of hint of what’s to come?

Very nice! do you have automatic distance/speed adjustment?

thank goodness I’m in southern Cal.:ahh:


As soon as you line up with a robot during competition and fire, the announcer and the crowd are going to go nuts. $10 bucks says you will be the crowd favorite. AWESOME job you guys.

That was really intense, good job. What material are you using for your shooter roller?

It looks like you guys tilt the back of the conveyor to disengage the balls from the conveyor, then rev the conveyor to full speed so that the motors can accelerate under no-load and then reengage to shoot them out. I love the design!

Wait, what. I had to watch that three times before fully comprehending what was going on. Great job!

If only you’d come to Sac-Town… :rolleyes:

I can see it now, you guys following us around slowly filling our trailer with that amazing turret. Then in the last second of the match, POW we score. Perfect 100-100 tie :smiley:

That comes next. We’re mounting a small lead-screw powered by a RS-545 to tilt the hood back and forth.

I’m not so big on the automatic part. I don’t have much faith in programming, or cameras. :rolleyes: We shall see.

Just wait till you see the teeth. Its a real monster alright :wink:

Yup. By tilting it back we also engage our hopper, allowing the magazine to be HP loaded.