10 ten plays of the year

Hey guys i want to a top ten list of play of the year. Let me know on the post and tell me where i can get a copy so i can edit and post it before nationals.


67 capping 1241’s robot
Link to video: http://www2.huronvalley.k12.mi.us/s...reatLakes79.wmv

That link to the video is down for some reason. :eek:
Our server is giving me trouble with most of the video on the site.
I will get it working as soon as I can.

edit I found that theory6’s posted link actually used the periods seen in the link instead of the rest of the link. :ahh:
Here is a working link. http://www2.huronvalley.k12.mi.us/schools/mhs/activity/hot_team/2004GreatLakes_files/GreatLakes79.wmv

-Pat McCarthy
HOT Team Webmaster

I liked Finals 1.1 in Canada… I went for the hang early on. As in, right after autonomous. We got up very fast while Buzz picked up balls. 1114 hung in a way that when they lifted up, they lifted up on our robot (perfectly legal). Our Tulip should not be detachable but all that day we used a bolt to make it wider to give the driver a larger target - well, the result was that we were dehanged by 1114. Falling 5" caused a huge crack of a sound and our scissor lift was bent (took about 10 min to fix afterwards, great job pit crew). So then as Buzz was feeding balls to their awesome human player, I went and pinned 48’s robot for about a minute, preventing them from hanging (I think I got a penalty… did I?). Buzz’s shooting was awesome and we won 90-80 (just balls! all balls!), ending 1114’s streak. But I guess I’m a little biased regarding that match :wink:

If the team on the recieving end votes for that, thats good enough for me… :stuck_out_tongue:

Although that last second cap by my team at the midwest over team 93 in QF3.3 should be pretty high up there :stuck_out_tongue:

That was going to be my nomination.

My nomination is the final match of the finals at VCU. Team 977(i think it was them, please correct me if im wrong) was blocking the top platform to keep the other alliance from getting the bar, which would give them the win. Team 33 tried to get on the platform to help, despite the fact that their bot was not designed to get on the plaform. 977 was finally forced off the top, but not in time for the opposing alliance to hang. This down to the wire match was only won by 5 points, in favor of the #3 alliance(33, 977, and 388) over the #1 alliance(165, 616, 346).

easy, 16 grabbin’ the bar after like 5 failed attempts with like 10 sec. left to win the St. Louis regional. This was match 4 in the finals (tie, win, loss, win). No vid that I know of but ask around people who were there will agree.

A great match was during the Canadian Regional when Team 1006 accidentally hooked on to another bot when it was capping and pulled it over or when 1006 was trying to hang while being rammed by 148 (I believe) and then went over to the other side, hung and then was being rammed by 1241. It was a great match! I have VHS tape of it and it will be on our site soon!

I’d say that we (Team 56) had some pretty nice plays at our regionals this year.

I don’t know if anyone remembers in new jersey in one of the final matches with aliances 11, 173, and 195 vs 56, 303, and 237. When 11 hung on the other robot and was one of the first robots to get up on the platform vs 237 and it ended up not couting but it was a really exciting match. I know this may not be a HUGE play but I think that it was one of the first robot hanging on robot events. Yea … thats my input


Another nomination:
During the elims in chesepeake, 1405, who has a large net to catch the balls out of the ball dump, was prevented from catching their own balls. So they drove to the oppents ball dump at caught theirs. The entire crowd either laughed, cheered, or moaned. But as great as that play was, that only set up the play im nominating. The opponents realized they had messed up dearly, but instead of giving up, they moved to the gap between the sides of the platform and the edge railing. 1405 met up with the opponents about half field, and then one of the best shoving matches i’ve seen took place. 1405 would eventually stop driving for some reason(i think a chain broke, but i dont really know). Although this set-back, 1405 would eventually win Chesepeake. The shoving match along the wall was possibly the best play in the whole regional.

You’re confusing two different teams. 1403 has a large net, but 1405 is who won Chesepeake. Jeff Wetzel has made that mistake a few times too :wink:

The final match at VCU gets my vote. There were some other awesome things I have seen so far. Maybe this list will be even better after nats.

I remember that shoving match because I was freaking out! The opponents you are talking about was Team 11. It was a great match. See you at the Nationals.
Good luck to all!

A play that my team, 1251, made buring the match that we played teams 21 and 1062 at the Florida regionals here is the video http://www.soap.circuitrunners.com/2004/movies/fl/fl_057.wmv

I’d like to provide a little clarification on our robot’s condition during Finals 1.1. While it is true that we failed to hang during that match, it wasn’t because we were prevented by another from doing so. During the early stages of the match, the part of our tread frame that angles upward became dented in a bit, which caused our tank tread and pulley wheel to lock up. This made us quite immobile. Your robot could have gone off in the corner and done pirouettes until the buzzer sounded, and we wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it. This was quite disappointing to us, for if we had hung, our alliance would most likely have won the first finals match. But this caused no worries for our pit crew. The students and engineers huddled around the bot and, with the aid of a time out, returned xtremachen7 to full operational status in time for the second finals match, which our alliance won in exciting fashion. We then went out during the third match, played some tough d, and hung at the very last second, only to have lost by a couple balls. All in all, it was quite a satisfying performance considering the tough situation we were in at the end of Finals 1.

Thank you for your tough finals play which brought this weakness in our frame structure to our attention. These tough high-contact matches are just the thing our team needs to prepare the bot for the rigors of the Championship. This deficiency will be corrected first thing Thursday in Atlanta.

nice so far keep sending me links. I know there got to be more out there

I don’t think I’d say that our bot wasn’t designed to go on the platform, that’s what the articulating chassis is for. It wasn’t however, part of our gameplan at that regional, and I think it was only the second time we had climbed during competition. If we had more practice doing it, we would have been up there right away.

And you were correct, 977 was our partners during Elimination matches and the ones on the field with us for that match. They did an excellent job of defending the top for most of the match.

Element 945 capped that stationary goal climbed the two six inch decks and hung in about 20 seconds. We were in the air about 6" went the buzzer rang for the end of the match. I don’t know where the link is for it but when i find it i’ll be sure to put it up.