10 turn potentiometers wiring

First time using one of these and we are having a hard time to figure out how to wire it to the RoboRio…

Any help would be appreciated.

Using it to calculate distance in a linear motion.

It’s a little different than regular half-turn pots, in that the wiper is at one of the ends (IIRC, the end away from the handle).

On an analog port, wire the wiper to the signal S pin of the RIO, and the other two pins to the 5V and 0V (gnd) analog port pins.

Edit: found one I have left from a 2015 project. Yes, the wiper on this one (from Jameco) is at the end farthest from the knob.

it’s all going to depend on the individual potentiometer. Find the datasheet for it (check digikey).

Just use a multimeter. Two of the leads will give a constant ohm value regardless of the position of the wiper, These are the ones that you will wire to your +5 and Ground pin of the analog port of the Roborio. The one that changes with the wiper is your signal wire.

You must check all the leads : 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, and 2 vs 3, to 100% determine the wiper lead.

1vs2 and 1vs3 determines wiper lead, if you turn the pot and look for a change :slight_smile:

Or do this


Also be aware that there are lineal, log and audio taper pots out there, so be careful assuming something isn’t working when you may not have a lineal pot.

Lineal, 5 turns in, the resistance should be balanced, and you should see some lineal relationship between rotations and distance.

Thank you Guys !!!1

Scott, I will into this as soon as we are done inspecting tonight… i know where to find you!!!

Good luck at Waterford!