100 Scholars featured on CNN

This is a nice report from Championships. Check out the replay this weekend.

100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc. Announces 100 Robotics Team will be featured on CNN in June and July!

    • Atlanta, GA - June 5, 2009 - Watch the CNN newscast on Wednesday, June 10th in the 8am show. The story will repeat at noon and 3pm. It will
      also air on Saturday in the 11am show and Sunday at 6pm. The story is
      set to air near the end of each segment.

In July, the 100 Scholars Robotics Team will be featured in the /Black
In America 2 series.

*Project Success Robotics Team is on the Move! *

The team is headed to the 100 Black Men of America Conference in New
York City, where they will provide a demonstration of their award
winning robot. Visit the chapter’s website at 100blackmen-atlanta.org to
learn more about the Project Success Robotics Alliance.

Click here to read about the team’s 2009 FRC Rookie All-Star World
Champion title.

I was sitting in front of one of the lead mentors of this team in Atlanta during the awards ceremonies… It was the first time I was actually happy to see someone crying. :slight_smile: Their mentors had such an awesome impact on these kids and I’m glad we could share in their celebration in the stands.

Major congrats to 3091!

Cnn/video posted a three minute segmet clip. This is the first time I’ve seen a major news outlet have a special regarding the Rookie All-Star Award. It was brief and to the point while clearly illistrating the message of FIRST to the entire world. The Award is well deserved by your team and another big congrats on your success.

However, it is a bit difficult to find:
(usually a video shows up in the Tech section shortly after Championships)

Cnn.com -> Video -> Latest News -> Scroll down to Competing with robots

and only 5% of Engineers are African American!?!


Sadly, I believe it. At Clarkson we had more international students then individuals from either low income or American minorities.
People, we have some serious work ahead of us.

here’s the url…great work 3091!

What a great job! It makes you proud that FIRST recognized them as the Championship Rookie All Stars!!! :slight_smile: