1038 2024 Robot CAD Release

Before we plunge head-first into Reefscape, we would love to share the design for our 2024 robot, Vio-Linda!

Similar to our 2023 robot, we used the REV MAXSwerve modules and REV ION channels to form our base. We choose to target the Amp and Trap this season and designed one system with an under-the-bumper intake, 3D-printed transition mechanism, and scoring mechanism (nicknamed the “TRAG”). The TRAG has rack-and-pinion-esq vertical slides (with metal + sprockets) with side pulleys acting as rollers to orient drop-off notes. To score in the speaker, we switched the direction of the TRAG rollers and fed the note into fly-wheel launchers. We also designed a lifting mechanism we used to climb onto the chain and score in the Trap. And as per tradition, our robot was decked out in blue-and-purple hydrodip and LED lights!

Can’t wait for next season!

Onshape Link: Onshape


Here also is our code from Team 1038’s 2024 season for our robot VioLinda! We program our robot in Java and you can find previous years code as well as our LED code in our organizations repository list!
Code Link: GitHub

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