Mayhem on the Merrimack+121= another championship. too bad, if WPI hadn’t broke its winch off we would have beat the Rhode Warriors, but we also died during that match and we screwed up, too bad still was a load of fun tho!!!
*Originally posted by badjokeguy *
**yep, those mechanical marauders beat us again:( **
what does that make it now, 3 times?
yep, we did win with 121. we qualified last, 16th out of 16. we only won 2 of our 8 qualifying matches. we kept blowing motors, or haveing batteries die, and we had a leak in our pneumatics that we couldn’t find. fortunately the 2 that we did win were against 121, and i think those were the only matches they lost. they qualified 1st and picked us as their alliance because they felt that we were the only threat to them. together, we swept the finals, 2 matches, 2 matches, and 2 matches. thank you 121
it was such a good competition! thanx for picking us 121! u were such a great alliance. thanx for believing in us!! sorry 151 for eliminating you again :(, i really am. u have an amazing robot and it was a really close match, maybe next time we won’t have as much luck as we did today. can’t wait for Battlecry!!
*Originally posted by Ricksta121 *
**173 may have won the championship, but we beat them at utc, so you do the math. **
Not trying to downplay your victory at UTC, it was an amazing run through the finals, probably hte most fun i’ve had watching FIRST finals ever, but i wouldnt give 121 the full credit for beating rage… if you watch the matches, 69 wouldnt let rage get to the goals. their pestering defense allowed you guys to win… a GREAT team effort… one of the best alliances i’ve seen…
As much as I like Rick’s optimism, it is always a team effort.
Our alliances this year 69,103,469,230,190,885, and 271 have all contributed so much in achieve soo much.
As much as I know we picked 271 because they have always been a good powerful team, plus we like to be paired with a different variety of alliances too.
I was unfortinaltly not able to attend Mayhem because I had SAT’s. But I watch the video and was amazed. The driver, my friend, totally new to driving, did an awesome job.
A couple of things surprised me
95 didn’t attend, and they were schuleded to
61–What happened to your Aztecs like ball devise? I remembered your robot from Quincy, and you looked a lot different on the field.
Anyways, It was an awesome event, keep up the good work Team 140
*Originally posted by Ricksta121 *
**he figured out we are the team to beat now why cant everyone else?
we have entered 5 comps this year and have won 3 (and each time we have beaten team 88, sorry guys). got at least 2 more to go. plan on some tough competition at battlecry from 121 and its alliance. our robot is, according to the judges at nationals, the best in the country. 173 may have won the championship, but we beat them at utc, so you do the math.**
Nice to see Gracious Professionalism is alive and well. There is nothing like building up one’s opponents and not showing any arrogance.
Its not 121, its just Rick **
Yeah, but we aren’t going to start this scuffle again. Congrats to 121 on winning another competition. RAGE people, it ended about a month ago, don’t start anything again!
i want to congratulate kevin for doing such an awesome job driving… this was his first competition driving and he looked like a seasoned veteren
i didnt realize how difficult it was… i drove one of the matches (we lost that one because of my idiocy) and i can now understand what the driver goes through
yea i also found out how hard it was to control the robot. we normally have 2 drivers and 2 operators. i’m a driver. we only brought 3 kids. we had 2 drivers and no operators. so us drivers alternated back and forth on the driving and operating, and the 3rd kid was our human player.
by the way, did anyone notice the camera shots from our robot? we had a wireless camera mounted on our robot and they played the feed on the big projection screen.
maybe its just because there is a higher concentration of veterans, and this is where FIRST has its roots… but i am always glad to see that new england consistantly produces lots of quality contenders… great job, all of you
how did you have two drivers and two operators… i thought only 2 people were aloud to touch the controls… one had to coach and be hands off, and maybe theres only an exception for a human player
Hey thanks for all the compliments guys!! I had a lot of fun driving, and i had a lot of fun working with 271, you guys were excellent!, in the one match that i lost while i was drving, you were able to pin me twice, i better not let that happen again, There was a lot of great competiton in the finals, especially from 61, and 190, two powerful robots, I wasn;t sure how we were going to win until 190’s arm broke.
That’s what I figured, but remember that the forums may be a person’s only exposure to your team and what one person says can reflect on your team as a whole. So please watch what you say
95 wanted to go, but due to some confusion, someone decided we were not going. I’m very frustrated, because mayhem has become a favorite of mine and I had planned on going.
We also wanted to go to battlecry, but again, confusion lead to our coach not applying us even when we had an invite.
That only leaves River Rage, which hopefully 95 will be going to. Even if I have to steal and run the 'bot my self…
We changed our gear to go slower with more power and we went to far. We ended up breaking our tracks in the first match we went into. after that we were playing to not break. the power you saw was broken power. wait till WPI you will see us come alive again. We were sorry to break WPI robot. because we knew we could beat them when we are 100%. So becasue nobody else could move them we wanted to show that we could.
We will be ready for WPI. I hope that everybody brings spare parts. because this is our last competition and we will use everything up.