12736: Electric Mayhem Green, 2024-25 Build Thread

Welcome all to Electric Mayhem Green’s build thread for the Into the Deep Season!

Our Team
As a member of the FTC Open Alliance we’ll use this thread to bring you weekly updates documenting our build season.
This is our 12th year as a FIRST program, and 8th year in FTC. We our a school based team out of Buffalo, NY. In total our program builds 6 robots every season. 3 FLL with our middle schoolers, 2 FTC and 1 FRC. Our two FTC teams, Electric Mayhem Green (12736) and Electric Mayhem White (12737) operate in a Jv-Varsity style, where White team meets after school twice a week and is open to all. Green Team on the other hands meets more often during the school day, as it is the Advanced Engineering class. The Green team has two mentors, who plan travel and facilitate budgeting, but the vast majority of team function is student lead.

This summer we hosted two summer camps for members of the community, our third summer of FLL camp, and our 8th summer of FTC camp. This year we decided to have four groups build FTC robots that would play this years VEX game. By the end of the two weeks we had four fully functioning FTC robots that played a full tournament of the VEX game on the last day. We did this to onboard new students to our FTC teams and also to introduce new students to FTC and FRIST. We also hosted weekly open labs where anyone from the team could come in and work on projects. Including our IRL Mario Kart Project (Learn More Here (or Here!)), building out our knowledge base, and our improving our battery charging and storage. If your interested in learning more about our summer outreach you can do so here: Electric Mayhem 2024 Off-Season Report.

Kickoff/ 30 Hours
This year we will be holding an official kickoff at our school for local teams. We’ve been doing this for the past 8 years and our excited to do this again this year. We work with the visiting teams to understand the game before splitting off and working within our teams to strategize.
This year we are also doing the the Robot In 30 Hours Challenge. We took on this challenge last year, and had a lot of fun doing it. This year instead of building a fully functional robot, we plan to use drivetrains we built over the summer at our summer camp to act as the bases that we can prototype off of. We will stream the event on our YouTube Channel.

See you at kickoff!


Well, after 30 hours here we are!

This year was our second year participating in the Robot in 30 hours challenge. Unlike last year we didn’t do the full 30 hours straight but took a break between 10:30 pm on Saturday and 7:30 am on Sunday. You can find full live streams on our YouTube channel, we did updates about every 2 hours. You can also find our CAD from the challenge here, or on our FTC Open Alliance page.

Goals for 30 Hours
Unlike last year, our goal this year was to not build a whole robot but instead focus on strategy and prototyping. On this front we succeeded and that compared with taking a break at night it made it a much more enjoyable and productive experience for all.

Very early on into the 30 hours we had decided that the best course of action for the season was to try to build a robot that could score in the basket, the chamber, and get the max point climb. Our thinking was that if we could do it all, during competitions we could score what our partners couldn’t, thus making us a very versatile robot.

We went through a variety of design ideas throughout the 30 hours. Something that we landed on very early on was using a 3-Wheeled Kiwi drivetrain, for speed and versatility around the field, especially because of the pinning rule this year. We also decided on having a linear slide to reach into the submersible, where we attach an active rotary intake. The reasoning behind this was to not have to pick and peck at the samples, instead having an active intake that can touch-it-own-it very quickly. If we ever pick up a sample from the opposing alliance, we intend to shoot it back out in the 3 second grace period before getting a penalty.

For upper mechanical we went through a couple iterations, we hoped to be able to use the same mechanism for climbing and scoring. We came up with having an internal hand-off from our intake to our end effector, which would then ride up linear slides. Upon realizing that you had to climb from the bottom bar to the top, and not straight to the top, we used a robot that we had built in the summer to test climbing off on one GoBilda Viper Slide, which worked. We changed our idea to using one short slide to get to the first rung, then a taller slide to get to the top, this taller slide would also be used for scoring. We spent a lot of time trying to minimize swing while climbing with this design, and came up with the idea to put both slides at slightly different angles, as shown below.

This would hopefully force the robot to swing its hooks into the bar.

The 2d Sketch of our original climb design

However, towards the end of the 30 hours we came up with a better design, instead of using two independent slides to climb we would use two slides in parallel but climb in two stages. The slides would climb to the first rung, then spring loaded passive hooks would deploy in order to hold us there as we raise the slides to the second rung and lift ourselves off of the passive hooks. The intaking and outtaking would happen on opposite sides of the bot, and the end effector would pass through the slides in order to make this happen (if you’re looking for a visual of that pass through, it’s inspired heavily by FRC 5940 BREAD’s 2023 bot)

2d Sketch of final design after RI30H

Though this is not our final design for the season, we as a team like a lot of elements of this design, and think its on the right track for our final design.


One of the main prototypes we worked with during 30 hours was our intake, we played with the spacing a lot until we landed on .8 inches. Our initial test build of this spacing worked.

Cad of final intake spacing

After this we wanted to make the intake work with samples that were not straight, so we decided to spring the front wheels on the intake to get a wide angle that it could work at.

Intake with springed fingers (springs not shown)

This intake was never built physically so a multitude of testing is still to be done. The large plate on the bottom will eventually act as the bottom scoop to intake the samples, but currently it is much wider so we can manually test angles that the samples will be intaked.

Along with intakes we also prototyped end effectors, including one that will be able to pick up specimens hung on the wall by the human player. Our programming team was also hard at work producing our next iteration of our spline path planning code. More information on those two developments as they come out.

Next Steps

Over the coming days, we hope to

  • Continue intaking prototyping to get close to a final design
  • Further our end effector designs
  • Figure out more of the geometry around our hand off
  • Experiment with the new FTC legal Lime Light once it arrives

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Hopefully the coming post won’t be as long, but there was a lot to get through with this one. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the thread below, and/or check us out on FTC Open Alliance!

More to Come!

Hello again!

1 week in and we’ve been hard at work. Our general design hasn’t changed too much, we’re still up in the air about if we’re going to intake and outtake on the same side of the robot however. Our CAD team has made significant progress on a lot of subsystems (all of which can be found here).


We’ve pivoted from our original intake design to an intake that uses a compliant wheel above the sample to intake it.

Over the Sample Intake CAD

The intake is driven by an Axon Servo, which is then geared up with a 2.5 ratio using a pulley. The fingers (shown in blue), are springed down (not yet shown) to provide the best grip on the sample. The whole system will sit on a linear slide which is angled down. This is to get the intake into the submersible. The intake itself will sit on a wrist in order to get into the submersible easier and widen the range of area we can pick up from. These elements are still to be designed.

We also intend on having a color sensor mounted to the intake, allowing us to choose what color sample we intake. If the sensor detects a wrong color sample that was intaked, the intake will immediately spit it out behind itself in less than 3 seconds, thus avoiding a penalty.


Cam Shaft Driven Sample Grabber

Another mechanism that we have been working on is our grabber. Originally designed out of legos during 30 hours, it uses a cam shaft to push the fingers out, then springs pull them back in when the cam rotates. On the end of the fingers will be compliant 3d printed inserts for the samples. The whole mechanism will sit on our vertical elevator on a wrist so it can articulate from the handoff to basket scoring position, and so that it can go horizontal so it can pick up specimens hanging off the field wall.


Our climber described in our previous update has also made some progress.

Current Climber Design

Shown above is a spring loaded hook that will deploy once our elevator system has pulled our bot up to the first bar. These hooks will hold us on the bar while our elevator extends again to reach the second bar and pull us all the way up.

Though in this assembly the climber is running off of GoBilda Viper Slides, we recently purchased the new Swyft Slides after seeing them on CD. We were intrigued by their speed, and customizability. Also that they were much lighter. Once they arrive we plan on experimenting with them to see if they are viable for our robot this season.

The New Limelight!

Speaking of things arriving! This was something we were all VERY excited about, the new Limelight 3a.

Limelight 3a testing

This legal vision coprocessor for FTC we think is going to be a game changer for localizing off of April tags and using it for object detection. Now personally I’m not a programmer so I’m not nearly qualified to talk about all the stuff it can do. But if you want to see us play around with it LIVE! Watch our team’s weekly podcast!

Weekly Dose of Mayhem S2E1 | Summer Camp, Kickoff, and RI30H!
If you interest just in the Limelight skip to 36:48

But with that cheeky little ad concluded, thus is this build thread. Ask any questions below, and we’ll see you next week!

Week 2

Progress has slightly slowed as many subsystems are awaiting the arrival of the Swyft Slides, primarily the intake and climber.


That hasn’t stopped grabber progress from moving full steam ahead.

Cam Shaft Grabber

The fingers for the grabber (shown in green) were designed and printed out of TPU for better grip as a result of how compliant it is. We printed out our first prototype and found that they picked up the samples great. But the edges were very rough which was hindering it’s compliant properties so we rounded the edges and hope our next print will be closer to what we’re looking for.

Configurable Kiwi Drivetrain

An experiment of mine I have been working on for the last couple months is OnShape configurables, and especially configurable systems for robots. The idea being that by having parts of the robot be easily changed by inputting values in a table, it makes iteration, particularly early in the build season, much easier. The most recent experiment was a configurable Kiwi Drivetrain.

14in Kiwi, with Rev 90mm Omni Wheels and 1in Spacers

Nearly everything about the drivetrain you can change to your liking; wheel type, diameter, spacer height, motor mount height and distance from edge.

12in Kiwi, with GoBilda 120mm Omni Wheels and 2in Spacers

We hope to make this public in our CAD library for all to use soon. There are still a couple more kinks to work out before this can happen. This will come in handy when we start designing our drivetrain as we intend on building our drivetrain around our handoff between our intake and scoring subsystems. If you are interested in using it check out our OnShape CAD library EMcad, by searching for EMcad in public OnShape documents.

Well a bit shorter of one for this week, if you’re interested in some non robot related things we did this week, check out our latest podcast.
Weekly Dose of Mayhem S2E2 | FTC Open Alliance Progress!

Last time I’ll advertise that, promise.


The Configurable is public! Infact it public right here! Alternatively search for it in public documents by searching EMcad Configurable Kiwi Drive Train!

Week 3:

Progress is still slow as we await the arrival of the swyft slides, but they are supposed to arrive today!


We finally invested some time into modeling the intake mechanism in foam. This is something we used to do a lot more of. Modeling our entire bot in foam before committing anything CAD. This year we haven’t been doing as much foam modeling instead focusing much more on CAD from the start. But in order to get the geometry of the intake correct we thought foam modeling the subsystem would be a good way to do so.

Foam Model of Intake

The block at the front represents the intake mechanism itself. The intake mechanism pivots on a wrist powered by two servos. The whole system will sit on a swyft slide in order to get into submersible. With this we can work on the intake CAD further.


To keep ourselves busy while awaiting the swyft slides we rushed to get ready for the two outreach events we participated in over this weekend.
RoboKart @ Nichols (9/27/24)

First we ran some RoboKart for students of the West Hertel Academy at their field day. We ran the demo all day. We spent the previous two weeks getting the new standardized designs built for each cart. Then the very next day…

RoboKart @ the Niagara Power Vista (9/28/24)

We ran RoboKart at the Niagara Power Vista’s wildlife festival. After fixing up a few robot mechanical issues, we were able to run races basically non-stop all day. RoboKart is quickly becoming our premiere demo to take to events, as it’s super fun for us as a team to run, and great for all ages to pick up and participate in.

Next Steps

We plan on having a team meeting to discuss our design and see if there are any issues to resolve. We find that having these sorts of discussions often is useful as it keeps everyone on the same page and allows us to catch problems early by having more eyes on designs.

Also apologies for the late update, the demo all day at the power vista along with school events prevented the post from going out (also prevented the recording of the podcast). Post will still be sent out every Saturday going forward!

We have made Swyft Progress and Improvements!

Changes to our Design

We had the meeting described at the end of last week’s post, this made us reconsider our design. We realized that our climb may not work unless the weight was distributed exactly right. We also had an epiphany that the handoff we had in mind was very difficult and make scoring on the chamber very hard, as our grabber that would have to be able to pull down with a lot of force (about 10 newtons according to our tests) but also pivot on a wrist. We were worried that by having the grabber swing that we wouldn’t be able to pull down with enough force. Because of that we decided that our grabber would be rigid and ride up and down the slides, and remain perpendicular to the floor the whole time. This means we would need a new system to be able to score in the basket, so for this we went simple, a carriage that would ride on the slides and simply dump the block into the basket. We would also have a deposit mechanism out the back of the robot to take samples from the intake and put them in the human player zone. This system would be the same that scores in the basket, but instead of riding up the slides it would outtake out the back of the robot.

An in Depth Look at how the Samples and Specimens Travel Through the Robot.

To Score in the Chamber

  1. Intake takes in the block
  2. Intake is retracted on slide.
  3. Sample is spit into the carriage
  4. Carriage spits sample into human player zone
  5. Human turns sample into specimen, specimen is hung on the field wall
  6. Grabber grabs specimen from wall
  7. Slides extend to score specimen on the chamber.

To Score in the Basket

  1. Intake takes in the block
  2. Intake is retracted on slide.
  3. Sample is spit into the carriage
  4. Carriage is raised by slides
  5. Carriage spits sample into the basket.

Swyft Slides are here so that means intake progress!

Wider Intake with Wrist System

Now that the Swyft Slides have arrived we were able to design the intake mount to them. We also decided at our design meeting that the intake was two skinny, so it now 3 in wide as opposed to 2 in. This allowed us to not go through a 90 degree gearbox for driving the intake. We also designed a wrist system for the intake to make it more versatile in the submersible. Driven by two Axons we hope that it will be fast but also strong enough to lift the weight of the intake from that far back. The wrist won’t be cantilevered out from the slide like it is now, but will have support from the otherside to make it more stable.

So far we have been designing the subsystems first before the drivetrain, which is something we’ve never done before. But with the arrival of the slides and now that we have a much easier handoff, we hope that we can start making progress on the drivetrain.

Climb Prototype
We made our climb idea out of lego to get a better visualizer of what it will look like and function like on the final bot.

First the bot will extend and climb off the lower bar.

The springed hooks will be released to attach us to the lower bar.

Then the slides will extend again to reach and grab on to the higher bar, then pull us up on to the bar, lifting the springed hooks up off the lower bar as we go.

We aren’t sure how fast this method will be, but currently it is the best legal method of climbing we have come up with.

Public Swyft Slide CAD

We have made a public onshape document with configurable Swyft Slides for all who are interested. They can be found at EMcad Linear Actuators & Slides.

See you next week!

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First and foremost
Limelight 3A Demo | Climber and Claw Prototypes | CAD | 12736 Electric Mayhem Green FTC OA Show

We were honored to be the pilot episode of First Updates Now’s FTCOA show! We spent the episode going over our current robot and prototyping process, before getting into a demo of the Limelight 3A. We also discussed the founding of FTCOA and a little bit about it. If you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out! In the coming weeks there will be more teams featured and I can’t wait what other teams have in store for the show!


Intake Mounted to Swyft Slide

As of present the intake is pretty much done. Which is a bold claim for us, as we historically change out intakes a lot, and we probably will again. But, this intake has been printed and as soon as we’re back in the lab tomorrow we are going to start assembly.

We have also been working on mounting the intake to the robot. We know that the intake needs to be angled down, to get into the submersible and still fit inside the robot, but getting the mounting at said angle will be challenging.

Intake Above Drivetrain in a Possible Mounting Position

We also started work on the drivetrain, going with our standard kiwi design. But this drivetrain doesn’t leave much room for the pass through, leading to an interesting geometry which we haven’t quite worked out yet.


Finally we have something physical made, our specimen grabber!

Physical Grabber Build (Taken from the FTCOA Show)

We routed and assembled our grabber for specimens and are really happy with where it’s at, especially for a first attempt. We want to add a lip at the bottom to help push the specimen down onto the chamber bar. We also have to change the camshaft slightly, by making it skinnier. This so the fingers can close tighter around the specimen. We also have reprinted the TPU fingers so that they are a bit grippier but haven’t put them on yet.

That’s it for this week folks!

We sat down and majorly changed our design… again.

Last week on our episode of The FTCOA Show we discussed why we picked kiwi for our drivetrain. We as a team like kiwi as we find the balance between speed, handling and versatility unbeatable (except maybe by swerve, but we tried that and it didn’t go well, long story). That being said, during one of our design review meetings we thought that a more standard mecanum drive may be better for our current design, as it would allow for more space for mounting the slides, the pass through, and the electronics. We spent about a full day debating this, whether or not it was the right call. Then we did some crayola CAD to see if this was true, we reconvened the next day and determined that it was not.

(Mecanum Crayola CAD)

A mecanum drivetrain would have given us more room for electronics but actually made mounting the slides more difficult, so we decided to go back to the Kiwi.

We crayola CADed the kiwi and think its in a much better spot now. We decided to go with a two plate design instead of three. We also determined that the springed hookes would have to be on a separate tower from the vertical slides for space constraints.

(Crayola CAD of our Hopefully Final Design)

During our design review we also tested our intake which in the last post I called pretty much done. This was in fact a bold claim as we found out it didn’t work. The top roller was adding too much downward force onto the sample, thus increasing the friction with the tiles and making it harder to get it up into our intake. So we are going back to side roller intake which is in development.

We changed our grabber slightly this week too. We made it slightly shorter so it would stick out less on the side of the robot. We also simplified by removing the camshaft as we realized that the force of driving into the wall would be enough to open the grabber and grip the specimen. The fingers were slightly changed as well to help vector the specimen into the grabber.

(Camshaftless Grabber)

Our region had its mentor meeting with the head refs this week and our mentor asked the question whether or not it was allowed to brace yourself on the front face of the bottom retaining bar of the submersible. Turns out it is. So we added a flat back plate to our drivetrain in order to rest on the retaining bar of the submersible and insure we don’t swing on the bar. This is actually a really helpful rule for our climb as it makes our climb much simpler and takes away the main risk of it.

(Back Plate for Climbing)

Ending these is hard.

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Week 7
It’s currently October 27th which means the CAD deadline is quickly approaching. We hope to be in a position to build the robot in full by the end of the week. So let’s see where we are at.


(Drivetrain CAD)

The drivetrain cad is nearing completion. The two elevator slides and the intake slide all have mounting solutions, all involving those ever convenient T-slots. We were also able to get REV Through Bore Encoders mounted on all the slides pulley shafts. If I could change one thing about all the slides currently on the market it would be for all of them to have encoder included or mounting solutions for encoders. Space is super limited on this drivetrain which is going to make mounting electronics difficult, the solution being to mount them vertically on the sides. Which unfortunately raises the CG. We increased the size of the drivetrain from 14.5 inches to 15 inches. This was so we could mount the new intake.


(Side Roller Intake)

Early on in the week we finished up our new side roller intake, this design is much simpler, using two servos to drive side rollers for sample pick up. In this screenshot the servos are the Rev Smart Servo, but we recently ordered some Axon Minis which we hope to use instead.

(Intake Mounted to Drivetrain)

The part of the intake that is still being worked on is the wrist. This was a part I worked on extensively this week, and it was one of the hardest parts I’ve had to work on. There were a lot of space constraints and things to have to worry about running into, despite the fact that the mechanism of the wrist is fairly simple and straightforward. But now that it’s all been worked out all that’s left is to get the other side on to prevent it from being cantilevered. The wrist is nearly identical to the one on the previous intake.


(The Double Grabber)

The grabber has gotten another upgrade as we realized we need two grabbers (one on each side of the bot) to make sure that the driving patterns were symmetrical on both sides of the field. Because of this we turned the grabber into one large system. This is also beneficial as it provides more normal force to pull down the specimens onto the chamber. This came about as we tried to bring to Grabber more inside the perimeter of the robot to stay well under 18x18, upon realizing how close the two Grabbers were, we decided that it would be more beneficial to combine them into one.

(Double Grabber on Elevator)


(Climber and Springed Climber on Drivetrain)

The climber also made some major progress this week. The spring climbers have been moved to a separate tower from the elevator to avoid hitting the Grabber. Not much design wise has changed here, just forward progress has been made on getting the design realized.

Next Steps
The last major subsystem to be designed is the carriage, this was always going to have to be the last system as it relied on the Intake and Climbers being finished first, since those are done the carriage can go ahead and be made. Luckily it is by far the simplest system on the bot.

Electronics also still need to be added to CAD. This is a far less trivial task as there isn’t much space for them. The two hubs and the battery are going to have to be mounted vertically on top of the robot while some of the smaller electronics may be able to be mounted to the lower plate. All of these electronics also need to be protected which also is not a trivial task.

We hope that by the end of the week we can come in on the weekend and begin the assembly of the robot. If we could have a fully assembled robot to hand over the programmers by the end of the next week that would be incredible. So far in our history we have never been able to give the programmers that bot this early in the season. This would be a game changer for going into our first competition with some major autos, but who knows what problems will arise when we put the bot together. Our major goal this year was to wait to assemble the whole robot until the CAD was completely done. We experimented with this over the summer to great success. So we hope the trend continues.

I think I should’ve never said these go out on Saturdays, because the vast majority of them haven’t! Regardless, we spent all of this weekend doing what we called a Robot Speedrun. We spent the last two months of the build season CADing the robot to perfection, with the due date being November 1st. By November 2nd we were in the lab with a fully completed CAD and set out to build it in a weekend. Long story short, this ambitious goal was not met but the weekend was productive anyway.


Mostly Final CAD of the Comp Bot

As promised the CAD was to be completed by November 1st. Though there is some minor detailing stuff to add to the CAD, it was in a state where we could build the robot this weekend, and thus we did. After last week we made some changes to finish it off.

Final Drivetrain

First, a very last minute change we made was moving the battery to the bottom plate alongside the Laser Odometry and the NavX. We did this as it was in the way of the grabber and it helped lower the CG more. To help balance we put one hub on each side of the bot. Hamid also designed these awesome aluminum side panels to act as protection for the interior of the bot. We have not routed aluminum on our router for a while and for a first piece it went really well all things considered.

Aluminum Side Plates (Taken from the Build Weekend Stream)

Final Intake CAD

The intake CAD got finished up with a completed wrist and side plate. Though this CAD was continuously worked during the weekend as we iterated and found that not everything fit together. But we made it work.

Carriage CAD

A part that got designed over the week was the Carriage. This System is used primarily for our pass though and moves the sample through the robot for outaking in the human player zone, though for when we decide to score in the basket it rides up with our slides so we can outtake samples into the basket.

Carriage in the Whole Robot

We also designed the last set of pass through wheels lovingly called the pooper. These exist just to get the sample out the back of the robot and into the human player zone.

The Build Weekend
Turns out trying to manufacture and build an entire robot in one weekend is really difficult. We spent nearly all Saturday routing and printing like crazy in order to get all the parts ready. Which for the most part we did. There were still some intake related parts that had to get remanufactured on Sunday, but all the parts we need to build the robot are ready to go. We also spent a good deal of Saturday morning checking the CAD and making sure everything was good to go and making changes where necessary.

The Built Carriage (Taken from the Build Weekend Stream)

Ironically the last system we designed was the first one built, this was because it was easy. Instead of Andymark Green Compliant Wheels we chose to use the REV Compliant wheels which mount directly to 5mm shafts (not ½ inch) and gave us the exact same result. The system is very simple and is driven by two rev smart servos.

The Built Drivetrain (Taken from the Build Weekend Stream)

We actually started work on the Drivetrain on Saturday, before realizing that we built it upside down. So we took it apart and rebuilt it on Sunday. We were able to get it all together, though lacking double wide wheels.

One Climber and The Intake Slide Attached to the Drivetrain (Taken from the Build Weekend Stream)

Once the drivetrain was together we were able to start attaching other systems to it. By the end of Sunday working on dwindling manpower we had one of our climbers attached and the intake slide ready to be attached.

The intake itself was a doozy to actually get together. It was designed by many different people and many of the specifics around it (such as what servos were going to be used to drive it) changed a lot. Because of that and the fact that it majorly involved a piece of bent polycarb (which can lead to A LOT of human error). But by the end of Sunday we were able to get it together and ready to be mounted to the wrist. However, the green compliant wheels that we cut and modified were actually too small to be used as an intake, so we will have to do some testing with new wheels to see what will work best.

Next Steps
We have to get our other Elevator Slide attached, once we do that we can get the carriage attached between them. The intake slide is also ready to go on, hopefully tomorrow! Once that’s done we can get the intake and wrist together, then attached. Then to finish it off we can get the top plate attached, get the pooper built, and finally wire the whole thing (my favorite part (I’m being sarcastic)). You know when you lay it out all like this, it seems easy!

In all, we’re very happy with our progress this weekend and we think we can finish off the rest of the robot real soon. This is the earliest we’ve ever had a robot done in the season, so our programmers are going to have a field day!



(One Act)

Reporter:“Today on Breaking News we have the long awaited return of Electric Mayhem Green to writing build threads. However, they still fail to come out at the scheduled time.

In other news we have an analysis of robotics from our very own reporter Captain Obvious. Captain the floor is yours”

Captain Obvious: “Thank you. Today, using my expert skills of analysis, here is my analysis of robotics, more specifically FTC. Robotics is hard!”

Reporter: “Thank you Captain Obvious”

Where We’ve Been
Cast your minds back to a time where we didn’t miss weekly posts, in fact go back as far as when these posts still came out on Saturdays. Back then there was an optimism that by CADing the entire robot before putting a single part of it together we could build the majority of the robot in one weekend and have it finished by the end of the week. Now three weeks after the robot speedrun the robot is kinda done. Now what do I mean by that? Well, there’s an important time in each build season where you have to adjust the expectations of your robot until it’s done. For example we had to scrap and redesign our climber multiple times because we couldn’t find a design that worked. We eventually realized we had run out of time and going for the max 30 point climb would not be possible for our first competition. (For context, we compete first at the Finger Lakes Qualifier on December 8th)

After the robot speedrun (described in the last post, and streamed on our YouTube Channel), we had a drivetrain and the carriage built. The intake slide and elevators were about ready to go on as well. That’s when the problems started. First up, we had bought the wrong motors from GoBilda, we have never really used GoBilda parts before so we don’t quite know our way around the website, so when we bought faster motors for the slides, we didn’t realize we had bought the D output shaft motors. This was an expense and time consuming mistake as we had to wait until the correct motors came in. Once they did this required taking off both elevators, replacing the motors then reattaching them. After this, we went to attach the intake, surprise! We don’t actually own bolts long enough to do so, now we wait until more bolts come in. Once they do we have to reprint the intake base as the holes didn’t line up. But despite all this we were able to get the intake and elevator on the robot. But wait, there’s more, Swyft slides as it turns out have a lot of play in them, they wiggle. So we had to put a wheel on one side of the intake and a ramp on the robot for it to ride on so that the intake actually makes it into the robot.

More Details on the Intake

So before the intake or carriage were built, we actually hadn’t had tested them. But we did before we attached them (and again after we attached them, but there was no recording of it). Below is a video of said test.


This intake has an open back so that we can outtake into our carriage mechanism, but we have a color sensor on the intake so we can choose the type of block we want to intake from the submersible. If we intake the wrong color it will be spat out the back in less than 3 seconds so that it isn’t in our way when we go to reattempt.

The “Pooper” Problem
The pooper was the system that was at the back of the robot which was the final set of wheels that “pooped” out the block into human player station. Now remember what I said about how there comes a time where you have to reduce the expectations of your robot until it’s done. This was the first one of those occasions. In order to fix our climber problems (which will be described next) we needed an extra motor. So we took the one that was driving the pooper and swapped it out for servos. This worked out because the gears in the pooper were also in the way of the block. But then we realized oh wait there’s actually no room for servos, and then we realized it would be inefficient to turn around and back into the human player station when we could instead extend the intake into it and outtake that way. So we took it off.

Climbers Galore
Originally we had another set of towers on the robot that would hold us on the bottom bar before we climbed to the top bar. But once they were built we realized that those towers got super in the way of our second climb, and that our hooks were too long and the robot would lean like crazy once we were up. So we considered scrapping the climb until we came up with a plan. The new climb would use two additional towers and hooks, these hooks would rotate down and pinch the robot off the ground, then we would extend the slides up to climb to the top. Geometry, geometry is hard. The hooks were too large and stuck out of the 18x18 box, and even if we did get it to fit it was untested and we didn’t know if it would work. So we settled for attaching long hooks to the slides and climbing a couple inches off the ground for 15 points.

Where Does That Leave Us?

The Robot as it Stands on 11/25/24

Here, that leaves us here, and there, there it is.

The Robot Sporting Some Very Stylish (Non-Competition Legal) Name Plates

There comes a time in each build season where you have to adjust the expectations of your robot until it’s done. Robotics is hard, and integration is harder, so when you’re out of time you have to be able to cut back and leave only the most critical parts to compete with. We have every intention of coming back after December 8th and getting this robot up to where we envisioned it to be, but we are out of time now and we need to get code on it before we compete, along with that we need to prepare for the judging room which is even more behind schedule than the robot.

Where did we go Wrong?

At some point, probably after our first competition, I want to write a whole post talking about what exactly went wrong with our plans for this season. But for now, the short answer, and to be honest, we don’t know. A slightly longer answer to that is, we don’t know, but we have ideas. Our grand plan this season was to CAD everything before putting anything together, with a CAD deadline of November 1st. We hit that deadline, which was the first time we ever have hit a CAD deadline. We went in with a completed CAD and went to build the robot in a weekend.

First problem, we hadn’t manufactured any of the parts yet, this meant we spent the whole first day doing that. Then when we went to put it together we had lost a lot of manpower to other weekend activities making progress slow as only two people could make progress on it. That combined with other issues with the supplies we had (wrong motors, wrong sized bolts, etc.) made it hard to actually make progress over that weekend. We could solve this in the future by taking through inventory before a build weekend and keeping a list of what we need,

The second problem was that we had to iterate entire systems after the CAD was already done, most notably the climber and pooper. This was because they didn’t work how we intended them to. In hindsight a lot of systems on the robot, even now, were designed with how we assumed things would work. Not how we knew things would work. More prototyping before and during the CAD process would probably solve this problem as we would have a deeper understanding of how elements of the game actually worked.

If you or your team have experienced what we’re going through and have any suggestions for how we can improve for the future, please feel free to respond with them below.

What’s Next?
This week is for our programmers. This week we also have off from school. Today the programmers were in the lab and working on getting basic code on the robot and testing systems. I wasn’t able to join them so I can’t speak on what progress they made but hopefully by the end of the week we have some drivecode and autos together so we can start driving practice this weekend. If we could be driving this week and next week, that is more drive practice than we’ve ever had as a team, and would be ideal. There’s probably some more mechanical problems to work out throughout the week however.

It’s been a hard couple of weeks, and getting the robot done or to state where it could compete took a lot of time and will power, and there were moments where we thought we couldn’t do it. Our grand plan of CADing the perfect robot on the first try was obviously far-fetched but we all got caught up in the idea of doing it, which led to a painful realization that we didn’t, and that you can’t. Regardless, it was a learning experience for all, and we’re working on getting better for next time.

That’s the whole point.

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If this was a video I think I’d start it off with a big countdown clock slowly ticking down the seconds towards the 8th. Despite the trials of the last couple weeks in getting the robot done, we’ve started drive practice (finally) and have been making changes as we see fit and as problems arise.

Changes to the Robot
After the last post we made some modifications to the robot as problems arose. First off, we removed the carriage, as issues with the intake slide persisted, mostly its wobble. This caused the transfer into the carriage to be unreliable. Since it was not the core to our strategy and was just a backup scoring mechanism, we took it off. We also took the rotary encoder off the intake slide as it was causing issues with friction as the intake went out, and we don’t intend to extend the intake in auto so we didn’t need it anyway. Besides tightening the belts a couple times on the slides, that was the extent of mechanical changes.

Swyft Slide PSA
If you bought Swyft Slides for your robot this year heed this warning. Tighten your bolts! The bolts that hold the slides together don’t have nylock nuts on them and can come loose. We had to take apart most of the intake slide at one point as a bunch of bolts came undone and fell out. We later discovered this was because we didn’t loctite them, so we rebuilt the slide, making sure to generously apply loctite. This also helped with the wobble, but didn’t eliminate it.

Testing & Drive Practice

The Current State of the Robot (Courtesy of Hamid and his Photography Skills)

Once we started getting code on the robot we had to tune, one of the first things we tuned was the elevator. By PIDing the elevator we could set go to position points, which would allow our operator to hit a button to go to the chamber height, climbing height, etc.

In the video above, draw your attention to the graph on the TV. The blue line represents the desired position of the elevator, while the red line represents the position of the elevator as read by the encoder. The closer those two lines are, the better.

Next we decided to practice some chamber cycles.

This was one of our first run throughs and it went really well. We also really like the second long climb. By far one of the fastest climbs we’ve ever had.

Then we decided to run though the same thing but this time pushing the samples that start on the field into the human player station. We also decided to cut the lights to show off the robot’s lights.

We hope that much of the pushing of the samples can happen in auto, and some of the scoring. Our current auto goal is to score our preloaded specimen right off the bat, then push one into the human player zone, pick a preload off the wall, score, push another, maybe score, and then end auto by pushing in the last sample and parking at the same time.

Next Steps
We want to change the intake. We did some intake testing, which I would be happy to talk about in the comments, but wanted to save for the next post. We don’t like how precise you have to line up to pick up, and think a wider intake would do us some good. So we plan to move ahead with that plan. We also have to get an auto written now that is planned.

That’s it folks, progress is slowing down as we focus on driving practice but we feel much more prepared for this Sunday than we did last year.

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Hello, I am the team leader of a new FTC team in romania, we are kind of short on the 3d deparment and were wondering if we could get the CAD files for the grabber.

Sure thing! Our CAD can be found here!

I can also provide a STEP file if you would like.


Well Well Well, looks like our first competition is basically here, like tomorrow.

New Intake
We didn’t like our previous intake. So we changed it, going back to our old ways of over-sample intake. The new intake has a very wide intake range and is much simpler. This intake has worked great, and is exactly what we needed in an intake, fast and versatile.

New and Improved Over the Sample Intake

Upon testing of our previous intake we found that it worked great as long as you lined up the intake really precisely, which was not indicative of speed, versatility and reliability. This intake can pick up in nearly any orientation and uses one less servo, which helps with current draw. We’ve been testing it and it’s great. The one downside is we can no longer outtake samples of the wrong color behind us. Regardless, for comp one it’s exactly what we need.

I’ve updated the CAD to reflect how the robot went to our first event. This assembly will be findable for the rest of time as any changes we make after this event we will make in a separate assembly.

The Robot as it will appear this Sunday

As always the CAD can be found at

We’ve had a lot of problems with our odometry on our robot. In the past we have used dead wheels sprung to the ground as our odometry system, and for autos we’ve used a custom path planning program we wrote last year. (Find out more). This year we switched to using the new spark fun laser odometry module. Which has worked great on some test bots. But the drive code we wrote for this robot is incompatible with our Spline program and thus the laser odometry. That being said our programmers still threw together a simple 23 point auto (10 Point Chamber (scored again at the end of the match) + 3 point park). We hope that we can fix this incompatibility for the next competition but we couldn’t for this one as it would involve rewriting most of the drive code. I’m not a programmer so I can only provide the most basic description of the problem, but if you have any further questions ask them below and I’ll get a programmer to add some more info!

That would be super helpful, thanks for the help

Heres two step files one to our original driven design and one of our current passive design.

Dirven Grabber

Passive Grabber

Hey that intake look familiar

It was taken from one of our fellow FTCOA teams!