13" balls

we have received the power ball but not the 13" balls…
do we receive those too or do we have to buy our own?

You will have to pick up the small ball from the Oakland Tech center closest to you.

Unfortunately, the supply of small balls have been lost in UPS shipping…

Also, Justin Howard is having a problem sending out Email, do to renovations happening at the Pontiac Oakland Tech Northern Center.

Please be patient, the balls and other parts, will be available…

The OCCRA folks are a little frazzled right now, But all will work out!!! Have faith!

Paul E. Rogers

I will contact Justin and Mike Mc to get status and post here.

Finally, the lost balls have been found; they came in Friday. I will put them in the school mail on Tuesday (which means the schools will receive them around Thursday or Friday) unless you notify me on Monday that your team would rather come and pick it up at OSTCNE. The bushings and collars arrived this week, too. Still no word on the back-ordered drill motors or the pneumatics.