1305 on CRTV News

During the build season we had a college student come in to our shop and do a nice report on us before we shipped out the robot. Our robot looks so different now (A LOT more speed holes :stuck_out_tongue: ), it looks so clean :yikes: . Anyways, you can see the report here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QYyZNNzF2s. The Blue Alliance video player makes a quick cameo as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Great job 1305!

The best part in the clip: “17 awards?”

I’m pretty sure 1305 has won a lot more than 17 awards since they were rookie all-stars in 2004. What’s crazy is the type of award: an EI or Chairman’s in every year since their rookie year. TWO EIs in a year TWICE - 2005 and 2008. In total, 9 qualifier awards for Atlanta over 5 years… almost 2 a year.

Simply awesome!