This year’s robot, a few hours prior to bagging. We are very proud of what it can do!
-Abec 11 longboard wheels for the launcher, powered by two BAG motors, attached to VersaPlanetary gearboxes with 4:1 and 1:1 reductions.
-Scores four discs consistently from positions around the base of the pyramid in the 3 and 2 point goals.
-12 points in autonomous.
-10 point hang achieved in less than one second via passive “wings” made of HDPE.
-84" tall “Angelic Wall” that can be installed for defensive play.
-Robust design with minimal moving parts; few things to fail=consistent on-the-field performance.
-Cool purple to bronze iridescent Lexan shielding, courtesy PlastiCare.
Thanks to our sponsors and mentors! We really appreciate all you put into this project. The kids couldn’t have done it without you!
First of all, I love that you named the defensive mechanism “Angelic Wall.” Can you perhaps post a picture of the mechanism or elaborate on what it looks like/how it attaches?
Sorry, the kids have all the good videos; I hope they will get them put into a decent movie some time next week. This is an early version of the shooter, going for 3, and our first run of 2:15 (the timekeeper forgot to end autonomous). The wheels have a number of advantages, and a couple disadvantages. They are really durable, they are fairly soft and sticky (78a), and their size makes for a much more compact, stable (and less scary) launcher. They also won’t give us full court shots, but we didn’t want that anyway.
The wall is some PVC pipes and some .08 Lexan; it slots right into the PVC stubs on the side of the bot. We are working on a version that is spring loaded, allowing us to do our 10 point hang while staying back to defend against full-court shooters; we might also make a shorter wall that gives us better agility when playing defense against low shooters. Thanks team 2240 Brute Force for the spring idea!