13598 MOBots & 15357 MOreBots 2024 Season Build Thread

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13598 & 15357 FTC Open Alliance Build Thread

Heyo! We are a pair of FTC Teams located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in beautiful Escanaba. Our teams are part of a pathway starting with FLL and progressing into FRC. We operate in the Escanaba Senior High School with a 20 X 40 build / storage space. We aim for 3-4 days a week of contact time with more as needed.

The FTC program has approximately 20-25 students though this year we have a strong core of 8th graders coming up so we’re very excited for a solid 2024 season.


We built two identical robots for the 2023 season. One did quite well, while the other suffered from persistent and frustrating ESD issues. Programming was done with both Blocks and OnBot Java. A minimal amount of CAD was done and limited to subassemblies.

During the FRC season we decided to just send it for 2024 FTC.

Off Season

A core of 6-7 FTC students continued to meet throughout the school year. They observed the FRC build, assisted, and learned through osmosis while also staying engaged.

OnShape was a huge focus. The groups grabbed items from around the build room, modeled them, and then 3d printed them. Think Coke can, pencil, eraser, screwdriver, scissors. It was quick, tactile, and comical. At this point our 8th graders are better solid-modelers than most of our FRC teams.

Off Season Improvements

We looked back at our pain points and decided we needed to make some subtle (and drastic) changes.

Problem - We had books of allen wrenches and large tool boxes. Team members spent too much time hunting for tools, losing tools, and using the wrong tools.

Solution - We ordered the 4 sizes of allen wrenches we needed, slid on color coded shrink tubing, and removed all other allen wrenches. Same for wrenches. We’ve condensed down to a single daily use tool box.

Problem - Blocks. We saw some truly amazing things done in Blocks. But it’s amazingly difficult to troubleshoot and once you get more than a screen full it becomes challenging to teach. OnBotJava gives you all the benefits of Java but none of the benefits of an IDE. It was hard for members to share and learn.

Solution - Android Studio. We procured two laptops and are on a pathway for team branched code. We are starting with a template that includes drivetrain, some basic functions, and enough comments to choke a goat. This is still in process but the field centric and robot centric base code is ready to go. We’re just waiting on the 10.0 SDK to complete it all.

Problem - Members arrive, either grab a task if motivated, or mill about until directed.

Solution - DAKBoard & Trello. We have a PC monitor tied into a DakBoard. Members can check out the TODO list and grab a task. It is mentor managed so they still need to check in & out with tasks as completed.

Problem - Our Autons were time consuming to build and used only the encoders on the drivetrain.

Solution - We purchased one of the Sparkfun OTOS sensors and paired it to @PhilBot 's wonderful Simplified Odometry Library. We have a minimum viable product, it works and it is easily readable, plannable, and understandable by a 7th grader. If you haven’t seen it, you give it commands like :

            robot.turnTo(0, 0.45, 0.25);
            robot.drive(  1.0, 0.10, 0.25);
            robot.turnTo(90, 0.45, 0.25);
            robot.drive(  1.0, 0.10, 0.25);
            robot.turnTo(180, 0.45, 0.25);
            robot.drive(  1.0, 0.10, 0.25);
            robot.turnTo(270, 0.45, 0.25);
            robot.drive(  1.0, 0.10, 0.25);
            robot.turnTo(0, 0.45, 0.25);
            robot.strafe(  1.0, 0.10, 0.25);

It still needs tuning but it’ll be a great introduction for our programming team to have a defined goal without struggling with PID.

Team Ethos

Our goal is to get the members as much exposure to good engineering, design, and manufacturing as is possible. Two teams gives more time on the robot. We also focus on not being the best bot in the state, but competitive as a solid partner.

Mentor Situation

Our mentor core is 100% industry and we unfortunately have no educators onboard. We are also very heavily manufacturing tilted with a single programming mentor. Ideally we’d have an educator who can throw around words like pedagogy and know how to mold brains through better education. Instead we have plant managers, design engineers, millwrights, and machinists. You work with the team you have, not the one you want.

Kick Off Plan

We will watch the kick off, eat some pizza and talk about it, then the 8th grade members are going to each run a station. We will rotate the new recruits through the stations and they will learn about the 3d Printing workflow, using OnShape, Basic Robot Parts, Tools & Manufacturing, and Coding.

Current Status

PUMPED UP. The members have placed fliers all over the school. We have a trophy case with a TV running a slide show. The recruitment drive is going hard. The build area needs some sprucing up.

We’ll get weekly posts and do a bulk dump with our current status. I’d love to hear your experience with the OTOS if you have one. It’s something we’re really excited about.


Two Days!

Tonight is our last meeting before kick off and we’ll be focusing on our rotation-station new member training plan as well getting everything updated on Driver Stations and such.

Rotation Station

Post season AAR told us that some members focused on one particular area without a broad exposure to the basics. Everyone needs to know the core parts of the robot, mechanisms, how the code base functions, and generally how to speak robot.

Several stations will be student led, OnShape and 3d Printing. Mentors (and 8th graders) will run the Parts of a Robot, Manufacturing / Tools, and Controls.

Hopefully this base will shorten the length of time that we get the deer in a headlight look in those first few meetings.

SparkFun OTOS

The code base works, it still needs tuning but that’ll be a great Control Team exercise. This directly feeds into our FRC team as PID tuning has been a hot topic for next year. Our MoBuddies (FRC Team Members as FTC Mentors) will be critical in taking this lead.

I really like the OTOS. Even on a sheet of glossy white paper, with no contrast, and no tuning, it did a 6" loop and returned within 1/2" of where it started.

Our only issue now is I only ordered a single OTOS and it’s unclear if we’ll be able to get a 2nd one…


The DAKBoard is taking shape. After Saturday we’ll bust it up into different group tasks. Turning the cake into bites as it is. The main goal is to focus the team on tasks without constant mentor direction. We need to discuss workflow for those low task days, but it will probably just be time spent working with another group or more OnShape.

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Kick Off Weekend

We brought in ten 7th graders and eight 8th graders. There’s a few that couldn’t make it so we’re hopeful that we’ll be just over 20 which should be perfect to fill out each team.

The team watched the livestream and then broke up into groups for new member training. We wanted people to at least know the critical parts of the robot, how to turn it on and off, what a NyLock is, where the tools go, etc. One big addition is an “I don’t know what this is” box for clean up time. It sounds dumb but we had so much lost time last year when someone would put an important part in a strange place.

Then we re-watched the release video a few times and chatted it over.

After Centerstage the game seemed rather simple, but once we started to talk about it and toss around ideas there is a lot of nuance to the game. How do we best pick up a sample? Do we want to make specimens? How do you work with a partner during auton? What will it take to get to the high bar?

The team left with instructions to watch the FUN RI30 content and to absorb as much robot as possible.

Some takeaways from the meeting.

How do we grab it? An intake seems like a good fit as our gripper last year was too finicky. This is going to be a big test area for us. Ideally it can handle a Sample and the Specimen.

Vertically we want to get as high as possible without going over the horizontal limit.

A pair of our 8th graders sketched up a basic idea which was similar to thedesign laid out in the GoBilda RI3D live stream. We like the pivot, the simplicity of the slide, and a clever intake on the end.

At first we saw this as a trap, a time sink that isn’t worthwhile. Now though we think it’s a viable scoring strategy if there is congestion. We’ll need to score this. I liked the separate Specimen scoring mechanism from the RI30H competition but it will bear more study.

Some of the robots are like a wet noodle. With this much extension we’ll really need to get a handle on rigidity as best possible.

We want to get to Level 3, but we may need a staging climber, and an arm climber. After seeing the droop last year I also think we’ll have a passive lock of some sort.


This field is going to offer a lot of possibilities. But also a ton of opportunity to smash into your partner. Walking in with an Auton playbook is going to be huge. And some of these may just be variants with a delay at the beginning, middle, or end.

I liked the “pusher” Auton that brought samples to the human player for immediate Specimen scoring during teleop. We are still a bit foggy on if the human player can make Specimens during Auton. We think we can, but we’re not sure.

We spent a little time with the auton and ran some sample runs with the team. After some code tweaking we’re able to get it to repeat within 1/2" over a 48" cube at 75% power. All on a polished epoxy floor.

It is absolutely amazing to watch this thing tear around and get you right where you wanted to go.

We meet today and will go over the RI30H and RI3D content and study where things are at. Also on the slate is talking Intakes and a Jeopardy style quiz for the rules.

OnShape teams will be designing and printing a more permanent OTOS housing.

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Amazing stuff, thank you for sharing! Is there any chance you could make your Jeopardy! rules quiz available? I’m mentoring a rookie FTC team this year and that would be super useful.


I’m not sure the original source unfortunately so I can’t credit it.

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9 SEP 24


A good majority of the group from Saturday was present, which was really great to see.

RI30H / RI3D Review

We started off watching release videos and pausing to discuss design elements and key game points. There were things we liked, things we didn’t, and an opportunity to see robots in action. I saved the reveal from 7129 last because it was significantly different from any of the RI30H robots yet to show them how varied the designs could be.


Guess who didn’t read the manual? A few folks could answer, but it highlighted how many did not. A good exercise though and we’ll be repeating it today.

Dry Erase Game

We broke into 4 groups and each group had a laminated map of the field and a blue or red dry erase marker. They “played” the game and walked us through what they wanted to do. We then paired them up with a partner and they talked about how they would work as an alliance.

This was a good exercise and more useful than I thought.

Mechanism Breakdown

We listed our various tasks and the options for each.

  • Drivetrain - Mechanum or Tank
  • Intake - Gripper or Rotary Intake
  • Specimen - GoUp Cup, Gripper
  • Elevator (TBD)
  • Arm (TBD)
  • Lift (TBD)

We will be mechanum, but we talked about why you might want to use tank drive. There was a good discussion about defense and how a tank bot can really excel, but also how to get around it.

Intake & Specimen
The teams split up and half worked on intake ideas and prototypes and the other worked on the specimen system. The specimen group was up front in the class area and fairly well stayed on task while the intake group lost some focus in the build room. Some folks stayed on task, but we’ll have to keep groups focused better.

Intake The intake designs we liked are the GoBilda / Quokka style. Being able to quickly go in, sweep up a sample, and get out, will be key.

Specimen We had two design paths that merged into one. One was a pair of rollers that would be “pushed” onto the specimen while it hangs, then lifted off the rail. The other was a more friction fit conforming block that would be “pushed”.

We had a really good conversation on how to evaluate ideas and determine the best way to share and critique. By the end of the night we were OnShaping a prototype that combined both ideas.

The end goal here is to register the robot against one rail and drive in and passively capture the specimen in the holder. We lift off the rail, spin, raise to unload, drive to and register against the submersible, and lower the elevator.


Continue on the intake-specimen session. Then move on to deciding the next mechanisms. More Jeopardy. More DryErase practice.

Awesome, thank you for sharing!

10 SEP 24

1530 - 1930


Two groups continued work on intake designs. One of the team 3d printed some TPU intake wheels with directional claws that worked really well for pulling pieces in and spitting them out. He iterated on this and threw a draft onto the paddles for the next iteration. I think in our next meeting we’ll have solidified this and can begin drafting the final model.

Specimen Intake

The two specimen teams combined and worked on a 3d model for printing. The goal is to be passive except for a slide/elevator. The “starting” position will be at loading height, and the “ending” position will be at the height we need to hang the specimen. The driver will just drive against the wall and that will engage the specimen.

Overall Design Philosophy

We have two competing designs. An arm with extension, or an elevator system. We busted out the white board and started running through pro’s and con’s. There was some good talk about using an outboard support for the arm style, as well as programmatically reducing drive speeds when the arm is up.

The elevator ends up more complex with a few more parts but nothing crazy. We think we can cycle quicker with an elevator than trying to navigate an arm. On Thursday we will decide which path to take.


We’ve signed up a lot of individuals and folks are digging into OnShape. Right now it’s just exploring and getting a handle on how it works. Surprisingly it runs on the school provided Chromebooks. Though I think it’ll run into issues with a full robot assembly.

Once they have an account we walk through a sketch, an extrude, and then set them loose. They are referred to FRCDesign.org as well and shown the OnShape tutorial page. I think an OnShape tutorial day could be helpful.


Finalize intake prototype and 3d print specimen grabber. Decide on design path for the rest of the robot. Setup foam tiles and begin drive practice. Start doing gumby assembly on our OnShape template to help with team visualization.

12 SEP 24


First I’ll apologize for a lack of photos in the posts. I hate to just give a wall of text, and I have every intention, but it’s just a whirlwind these first few meetings. But this one will have pictures!


Our intake, dubbed the CooperScooper, was finished and shown to be functional. That team now needs to shrink the form factor and get it modelled.



Meanwhile we had 4 of the new team members disassemble last years robot. It provided a good opportunity to get them hands on tools and talk about parts and pieces.

Design Review

We had two competing designs. One, arm based, the other, elevator based. There were still some “deer in the headlights” looks last meeting so we tossed together a Gumby model and showed them how it would function. (I brought in a Gumby to illustrate the down and dirty design philosophy)

If you haven’t played with the “Named Positions” tab on the right sidebar in OnShape, it’s really great for setting up positions to talk about without pushing and pulling a model in front of everyone.

We watched the mechanisms on screen, team members asked questions, and then we went to every member and asked which they liked and why. By the end we had a consensus on the elevator style.

Code Corner

This is our first year using Android Studio. We sat down and talked how we’re going to handle the team repo and git processes. Our plan is to have a mentor managed Repo with a branch for each team. The students will commit to the branch. A mentor will handle any critical updates or merges that may need to occur. Our goal is two identical robots, but we all know reality gets a vote…

Weekend and Monday

Split up into teams and model each assembly.

We need to model:

  1. CooperScooper Intake
  2. Intake Arm Slider / Rotational Axis
  3. Elevator and Bucket System
  4. Specimen Elevator
  5. Chassis (We are going to U Channel this year from C channel last year)

16 SEP 24

Our intake team, specimen team, and chassis team continued work. Our current chassis is getting swapped to U-channel instead of C-channel. Prior to that though we are putting it altogether in OnShape.

Chassis Task

I made a model with all parts already in the assembly. All the team member had to do was duplicate the tab and use mates to put it all together. Each member was supposed to rename the tab. Except when you duplicate it takes the nice assemblies and barfs them into constituent parts that they are unable to mate properly. Bummer.

So instead a single individual worked on the original model. I was hoping to have a shared workspace instead of a half dozen different models to juggle.

By the end they had an assembly drawing so we could begin cutting channel.

Intake Team

The intake works! It grips, grabs, holds, and transfers like we want. Each of the 3d printed TPU intake wheels has a different “draft” to them. They are still working on dealing with angled pieces. or straight on pieces. Eventual goal is to add bearing supports to this as well and prevent the servo from getting destroyed.

Specimen Team

Beyond the lift this is entirely passive, or at least that’s the goal. The polycarbonate will flex enough to drive into and lift off the specimen.

I worked with a group of new members doing a whiteboard layout to determine the proper slide height needed. After that we started building the new Viper Slides (2 stage) for our specimen lift.

Field Setup

We walked across the street from the school to our new field location! More pics to come on Tuesday, but it’s a great location. We’ll set it up on Tuesday and probably get some drive practice.

Our current robot plan is to build the C chassis for one robot while we keep the old robot chassis together for drive practice and auton builds. Then once C chassis is done and subsystems added, we swap to that and rebuild the old chassis.

17 SEP 24


Field Build

A majority of the team went across the street and began assembly on the field. By the end of the evening the only thing left to do was mount the nets. Our specimen team brought over the prototype and made a few discoveries about how the human player would hang them, and how much force is needed to seat them (More than we thought).

Specimen Holder

The initial prototype worked really well, but the chamfers on the bottom edge allowed the unit to “release” without locking the specimen clip.

The layout Gumby is done. We have one group assembling Viper Slides and another re-printing the holder. Once this is ready we will mount it onto our chassis and begin drive testing and auton.


Members started layout and testing of the slide to determine linkage positions. The Scooper itself is still being tweaked but in a decent place.


We worked with some of the 7th graders and walked through the basics of code. Not everyone will be a programmer, but everyone needs to be familiar with the basics.


Continue on the Specimen Viper Slides, Specimen Holder, and begin making the new chassis. Depending on how it goes, we may meet on Saturday for a short day and finish the chassis.


Next week all of our mentors are out of town for business. This is the big downside of not having any faculty on the team. I’ll ask students to work on OnShape tutorials, review GM0, etc.