148 Season Wrap Up Video

Thanks to everyone who made our 2013 season a great success including (but not limited too) 118, 2789, 3310, 4610, 1662, 3598, 1678, and 862.

Check out our build season video:

And our season wrap up video:

Both made by a very talented student member, Caleb H.

We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones at IRI and TRR this summer!

“Not available on this platform.”

The AGONY! :frowning:

So sorry! Youtube won’t let us allow it to be played on mobile devices :frowning:

Very cool!

Right now… I think all robot videos should be set to that Fall out Boy song.

I would like to say on behalf of Black Hawk Robotics team 3310, Thank you for allowing us to be apart of your alliance at Dallas! It was a blast to be able to partner up with you guys and take a blue banner home. You guys had an amazing year and looking forward to many more! We we’re definitely rooting for you in the Curie finals and obviously on Einstein! Again, congratulations guys! Looking forward to seeing you guys at TRR!!!

“Don’t mess with Texas”

-Black Hawk Robotics

Awesome videos, congratulations on all your success this year. Can’t wait to play with you all again at IRI and TRR.

Nice work as always by 148!
You guys always make great videos.

Very cool video!

Congratulations on designing and building an awesome robot! We’re still in awe of the combination of an incredibly accurate full-court shooter coupled with a very innovative (and effective) climb and dump capability.

Kudos to 148!