1690 + 971 Dual hopper autonomous

During the second day of qualifying of the Houston championship it became pretty obvious that either us or 971 would end up seeded 1st in the Carver division qualifications.
Even before the decision to pick each other was made we started talking about an idea of implementing both our hopper autonomous routines in a way that would work together without collisions and with minimal waste of shooting time.
Both teams wrote a new autonomous routine specifically for that task and gave it a little testing in the evening before alliance selections.
First thing in the morning we built a little boiler + hopper setup in the space that was a practice field the day before and gave it a few tries - A video of the first try
We averaged about 42-43kpa in autonomous during the whole competition and they could reach 35kpa, so we could have been looking at a 70-75kpa autonomous!

We never had enough time to make this a sure thing we feel safe about running in a match during division playoffs, if we would have won Carver we planned on using the time before Einstein to make this our ‘secret weapon’ and hopefully use this as a game changer for the highest level of play, but sadly we never got that chance…

Here’s for hoping someone will be able to achieve something like this in the St. Louis championship (1986 + 1114 looking at you?) 'cause it’s a sight to be seen for sure!

Awesome to see somebody else had the idea to try this! This would have been great to see!

We coordinated with 3309 to try it in a quals match on Hopper. It almost worked, but 3309’s vision couldn’t find the boiler. They fixed the issue soon after the match, and we had the autonomous routine in case we needed it during division eliminations and Einstein if we qualified. We were looking at potentially putting up 60+ kPa in auto! We ended up picking 3309, but we unfortunately went out in the quarterfinals due to various robot issues. Still, it was a lot of fun to try this with them!

Here’s a video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?ebc=ANyPxKpA0wRKyLUaS8ENZ8GJ35KoI6ViuWSMZpPEsttXwsoJIzmynGLck3h0sRDFYLwyBlW1Zva0e8Afdq1leEaOXDT_JzNoBw&v=RrEcxmZZ2WU

Can’t wait to see who else tries it and maybe even pulls it off in St. Louis this weekend!

Also, great bot this year, guys. I’m sorry to see you all weren’t at peak performance during Carver finals, and I wonder what would have happened if you had been. Still, I saw enough of you guys to know that you had the most accurate autonomous I’ve seen this year. Great job this season, and I can’t wait to see what you guys build next year!

Awesome robot and awesome autonomous mode! I think you should have run it in quarterfinals 1 at least. We had a similar plan with 971 where we placed the center gear and then shot from the near hopper. Hopefully we will see some St. Louis teams achieve something like these auto modes!

225 and 5895 did this in a qualification match at MARCMP https://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157659

118 and 1678 ran a dual hopper in a practice match at Las Vegas, but because our shooter throws 2 streams, the ball conflicted too much and it wasn’t much of a net gain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyaLZHiJJnE

ughhhhhhh. I thought that the youtube video was the video of you guys attempting it :eek: :smiley: .