1710 Low Goal Scoring Autonomous Modes

Currently we have an auto to score in the low goal from all B and D defenses in the 2nd position and the Low Bar. Working on position 5 tonight.

Low Bar

Category B and D

Woah! That last one over the rockwall did NOT look like it was going to line up. How did it correct itself? Are you using a gyro or does it just work like that. This is very impressive, by the way. Great work!

Yeah we couldn’t believe it worked either to be honest! It was all done with the use of the navX sensor’s gyro. That thing is awesome. Really easy to install and almost as easy to program with. We used it to cross all of those. Highly recommend it!

Looks really great!

1108 will be cheering for you.

You know you’re carrying the flag for all of Kansas.

Good work,

Some suggestions,

  1. Work on position five, as many team will have low bar autons, and position two may interfere with what they do.
  2. Try to mock up end wall and goal, as you are assuming you can just drop ball off and hit it.
  3. look at the lakers 5053 auto goals, you will see that they cheat the angle to actually hit the wall, and use it to align the shot into the goal at the end. This will make the path to the goal more forgiving.

Even the low goal is tight.

While we’re making suggestions, and I like tr6scotts, esp 1, everyone will want the low-bar, here’s a couple from me:

  1. If you’re not going to try a 2-ball, I think the next logical thing would be to try to save as much Time as possible. So which defenses take the most time? Class A and C.

If looks to me like you could manipulate a CDF and still keep your ball. I don’t know how you do the Porticullis, but again, since these are ‘slow’ defenses, you might as well try to get them while the 15 second clock is running instead of during the frenzy that is teleop.

And most robots can’t do them from the front at all, but if anyone can open the sallyport or the drawbridge from the neutral zone, it would be very helpful timewise to plan to do that in the auto.

  1. No matter what your robot does during auto shooting wise, driving back to the neutral zone is a real time saver. Even if you’re afraid you can’t line-up, at the very least you could back up and head that way. Does not take difficult programming to turn the robot back and drive in that direction. Doesn’t help at all to end up sitting on the batter. Save time.

But alas, this is mostly too little and too late. Champs is here.