1717 Robot Pic?

I’m really anxious to see a pic of 1717’s robot at Los Angeles so could anyone take a pic of it please.

Low square bot in their traditional colours. I don’t know how their pickup works, but their robot seems functionally quite similar to 971’s bot. It’s at 118-esque levels of density, hard to see what’s going on in there. I’ll be happy to get a closer look personally in our match tomorrow.

http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114834 has a teaser in the Dropbox link.

Got your link to 1717 (and all other LA robots) here!

PS. updated photo of them not just the teaser. Also updated competition photos of all bots.

Specifically, their photo is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dyg2xx6zpzh7pf9/NCxfCYjPdM#f:1717D.jpg

Thanks for all the great feedback, also wondering if anyone has a video of them in action later on in their regional when they started really working?

This is a pretty good match of our alliance during eliminations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF-WpARqh7s&list=UUGRsicyExD1GpjdtUuHMP9g&index=1

They have a few pictures of their robot on their website:
