177 Thanks the 148 Drivers

As many people have heard, most of the 177 students did not make it down to Atlanta until Thursday evening due to canceled flights. Luckily we had our base driver who was able to get on another flight with his parents, and the engineers who went down on another flight. However, we needed to get some practice in with a claw that we had modified. Knowing that the 148 drivers had many hours of time on their own machine we turned to them for assistance. The new claw had some issues which we were able to improve upon by seeing its performance on the practice field. This testing led to a significantly improved claw. Without the assistance of 148 this testing would not have occurred. In fact, the drivers did well enough to score 5 tubes in a practice match with an arm they had only driven for literally 2 minutes. A big thank you goes out to team 148 for letting us borrow your arm drivers for our practice matches.

On a side note, everyone keeps asking if we are coming in on Tuesday next year to compensate. Whatever we did this year seemed to work out ok. As everyone always says, if it aint broke don’t fix it. :slight_smile:

anyway we can help. and i think it was still awesome that i got to drive the arm of a championship robot. yall did great. congradulations to yall, 987 and 190. it was an amazing alliance and an amazing performance.

177 also had to thank 176 for providing drivers for actual qualification matches at the UTC Regional on Friday afternoon. I’ve been wondering. Prior to this year, has a championship winner ever been driven by students form another team in regional or championship competition?