1806's Full Court Shooter Showcase

GoPro footage on our shooting platform from semis 1 match 2

Semi Finals 1 Match 2 Field Cameras

Qualification Match 46

Qualification Match 67

Finals Match 2

From one FCS to another, that’s some nice shooting.

“It looks like they’re trying to become a machine gun!”

What kind of a wheel do you guys use?

We use a 7" pneumatic wheel with an aluminum hub

I feel like 1806 this year is like 2056 in their early years, where they were fantastic but got no where enough credit because they won events with 1114. I know 1986 gets most of the publicity, but 1806 has built a fantastic full court shooter and climber-dumper that has won two events.

If I voted, I’m sure I would include 1806 in my FRC 25.

Gotchya. We made our own wheel. Milled and EDMed a 12 inch wheel and poured 60 durometer polyurethane around it. Works like a champ.

I really like your trajectory. The problem we face sometimes is that our frisbees shoot so fast, they bounce out. You guys are shooting at the perfect speed for them to get there, but stay in.

When I saw that you had both a full court shooter and a colored disc dumper my jaw dropped. Amazing machine, can’t wait to see it in St. Louis!

I just saw their finals match.
1806 is a very well rounded machine.

Thanks for the comparison!!! Its great to hear what other people think of all the hard work our students put into making this machine come together!

Should I be this scared… and were not even going to st.louis
can i get a cad model we want to enter the Austin robo round up and it be nice to see what you guys did cause that thing is a machine gun

Stay tuned there is still more to come :cool: not making any promises but we might be sending something to FRC Top 25 this week

And they are a capable pyramid-cycle shooter also. 1806 is already in the FRCTop25, and moving up.

Here is a preview of some of the improvements we are making for Champs

Link didn’t work for me, but I was curious enough to find this.

Two regional wins, and they keep getting better. :cool:

Thanks Aaron for letting me know about the link i went ahead and fixed it in my post and is that a birthday cake i see? Have a good one!

Yeah, just a simple fix in our shooter wheel speed control had the effects of increasing the precision of our control, decreasing the recovery time of the wheel, and making our automatic firing more reliable.

I swear after we got it working right we spent an hour just shooting Frisbees for “testing” purposes.

Oh, and happy birthday from S.W.A.T.!

The Broncobots found an alternative way to block our FCS

That’s on the same level as 1551’s ‘point defense system’ shooting a ball out of midair at Buckeye last year.

+1 for a neat block.

  • infinity for doing it against your alliance.

  • Sunny G.