*I feel obligated to mention the most underrated feature of this this robot*
the drivetrain falcon 500s automatically disengage brake mode 2 seconds after disable
Brake mode is active while enabled, and just after disable so that the robot quickly stops after disable (and doesn’t just coast), but once it’s stopped, coast mode is enabled so the robot isn’t a pain to move around.
*and possibly more importantly, a single button hold aims the robot, adjusts the hood, and spins up the shooter and fires. The shot rate is variable based on the RPM of the flywheel meaning that if the shooter motor can’t get enough current at the end of the match, the 2nd or 3rd ball in the robot will simply wait to fire until the flywheel is back to the correct RPM*
You can set how soft the brake is by setting the stator current limit. If you just want to limit the brake during neutral, but not limit accel during drive, leave stator current limit enable to false, but the stator current limit value will still be honored for neutral-brake only.
You could also soften the transition from brake to coast by adjusting the current limit, say ramp to a lower value over time in disable. Could be helpful for certain applications. If you set the current limit value to be very low, the motor will behave similarly to coast because its only allowing a small amount of neutral-brake current.
The reported stator current during neutral-brake will reflect the amount of deceleration. You can actually detect when a motor is being back-driven during brake, which may be useful for certain applications.
Tip of the hat to your software team - these types of features are really cool. This allows the build team to play with the flywheel properties / power and then the software just automatically adapts. With all of the BLDC’s having embedded sensors, it is much easier to tune the entire feeding system to match peak performance for whatever physical system exists. Once we implemented this type of software, all of our conveyor–>feeder–>flywheel jamming issues were solved and the shots themselves became way more consistent.