1899 Laser Cutting Timelapse

Here is a timelapse of our chassis being laser cut.

Thats cool. Why are you cutting wood?

Neat! That looks really cool. 15 minutes for what looks like a whole chassis is really attractive.
Unforunately we may never get one due to laser safety in the school’s eyes.

When I glanced at the title of this thread, I though it was referring Laser Cutting in the Year 1899… I’m smart ::rtm::

Because that is what they make their robot out of. It can’t be beat for the combination of stiffness, strength and weight.

Lot of truth there.

To quote one of the many great minds of Chief Delphi:

Lovely! We are using a tiny Trotec Speedy 300 to cut our robot’s pieces. Its 29" x 17" bed means that we have to be pretty clever about building big structures.

And it’s super cheap!