1923 robot as of 3 weeks

we fly high

hahahahahahahhaha matt. wow.

yes, week 3, and we’re only this far.

what you don’t see is the actual game-playin’ part.

hehehe :slight_smile:

you see, the reason this is how little we have is mostly due to team organization. halfway through the season we were blessed with college mentors…unfortunately, that meant a near complete redesign. [we’ve also, like everyone else, just discovered the whole banebots problem, and just ordered ourselves some AndyMark goodness.]

[oh, and matt, helpful hint: when you wanna post a pic, use CD-Media.]

The only problem with the Banebots is the spacer was slightly long. It is much easier to just fix it instead of ordering new parts.

Temper, you need to read the threads in the ‘motors’ forum, and the First Team Updates

I dont think you should have re-designed your robot. We have past team members come in every year but we make it a point that they dont give to much imput to where they desing a part of the robot, each team has its own ideas and should be put on their robot for the year they are on the team.
But if it was for the better than WOOHOO. :slight_smile: Cant wait to see ur design.