We expanded our space in the school this year by a little over 50 % So without further ado our new 3DP/Engineering/Electronics/Design department with some of its stuff we also call it Skunk works 1989 You can see the CHIRON under the plastic sheet as an enclosure and one resurected makerbot replicator that we saved and fixed. In case you wonder where most of our robot is created
Will upload some more after the next successful test (we had a couple of setbacks mostly of dimensional nature)
No but time consuming. So they design lets say a conveyor and did not figure in the thickness of the side panels - so after its all assembled the ball gets stuck… So its disassembly time and print a different bracket with a different dimension or someone made the right gearbox a 12:1 and the left a 10:1 etc. and that has happened a lot lately… The devil is in the details… But thats how quite a few years seem to go. Well still hoping for a neat robot at the first competition at Mount Olive.