1993 Rug Rage, whos got their bots.

I am creating this poll wondering who still has their 1993 robot, thats if they competed that year. If you know of a bot that is around but their team isnt, please say so here, also if you do have one and you know if it still works or not and if its all origional, that would be useful also.

So let the polling begin…

We have ours… its in pieces but we still have it.


basically a frame…

I think we have the frame laying around the site somewhere.

How big were the 93 robots anyways. I heard that FIRST was not as big as its “current size” yet. (By current size, I mean 2.5’ x 3’ x 5’ tall)

copied directly form the 1996 Hexagon Havoc Event Manual its not the 1993 stats but is the 96 stats, ill keep digging for the 93 stats.

The robots were designed and built by the school/engineering teams during a seven week period and were constructed from a wide range of materials including PVC pipe, aluminum, plywood, fiberglass, and structural foam. Each robot had to weigh no more than 120 pounds and fit, unconstrained, inside a 36" cube.

The robots used two 12 volt Milwaukee drill motors, four Delco car seat motors, and two Textron pneumatic pumps which, through a customized remote control system, were powered by two 12 volt Milwaukee Drill batteries.