2 cameras

I see they have created a tab for an additional camera this year but not sure how we should program it. Any help?

You just have to duplicate the initial USB 0 camera setup in the default project code Vision Processing.vi for a second camera.
You just need the section that sets up the camera up to the “Camera IP & Dash” You don’t need anything in the while loop.

For two USB cameras start the second camera as USB 1, and give it a different name “camera 2” for instance.

One extra point, if you use two USB cameras, then use the controls to start both cameras at their lowest resolution, 10 fps and 50% compression.
Otherwise, the USB driver will choke on the too high bandwidth and just give you a blank screen for the second camera with an error message.
Once both cameras are running at low res you can bring them up to higher res to find the USB bandwidth limit.
This is a different bandwidth limit than the wireless 7Mbps.


Out of curiosity, suppose we would like to stream video directly from an RPi to the first or second window instead of passing it through the RoboRio. What URL, or other destination, would we send the video to have it populate on the Dashboard or Smart Dashboard video windows?

To figure out where to send things, take a look at the video processing code in the dashboard example project. You can find what’s feeding the image indicator by double-clicking on its border (when the cursor looks like an arrow). This will take you into the portion of your block diagram where the indicator exists and you can see from there where the data comes from.

If you do want to go this route, I’d make sure to read R65 as it outlines what ports you can use for various types of communication. You’d want to make sure your camera adhered to these rules to avoid conflicts later.

Bummer, we are not using LabView this year, so we don’t have it installed on any of our laptops. Is there a chance someone here can decode this info for us?

The default dashboard assumes the camera feeds are coming from the roboRIO IP address. The roboRIO would need to forward a video stream to use the default dashboard as is.
It’d be much easier to modify the Dashboard to take a feed from a different IP address.

Excellent, that actually answers the question.
One more item to add to the coder’s list! :smiley: