2 jaguars with flashing red light

We have had 2 jaguars get red, flashing lights as soon as robot communication is established. We have used a multimeter to check the electrical readings in, and they are the same as the jaguar that is OK.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

jaguar status led codes:

LED State Module Status
Normal Operating Conditions
Solid Yellow: Neutral (speed set to 0)
Fast Flashing Green: Forward
Fast Flashing Red: Reverse
Solid Green: Full-speed forward
Solid Red: Full-speed reverse
Fault Conditions
Slow Flashing Yellow: Loss of servo link
Slow Flashing Red: Fault condition
Calibration Conditions
Flashing Red and Green: Calibration mode active
Flashing Red and Yellow: Calibration mode failure
Flashing Green and Yellow: Calibration mode success

it seems your jags are in a fault condition. check that they’re not being overcurrented, and the power in is 12V DC. are you using black or grey jags?

The getting started guide herefor the Jaguars tells you what the error codes mean. From that document, a slow flashing red light means one of the following:

  • Power supply under-voltage
  • Over temperature
  • Over current
  • Limit switch activated in the current direction of motion

I would start by checking the two limit switch jumpers are in place - that’s probably the most common problem. If that’s not the issue, disconnect your output leads to ensure nothing is shorted. Check the input leads to ensure you have sufficient voltage. Since it’s when you start up the robot, I’m doubting it’s a temperature issue.

The over current error is actually different then that. According to the CAN webinar at Kickoff, the over current error is a slow Red/Yellow blinking. The other errors are the slow Red blinking. Is this connected over PWM or CAN? If it is over CAN then see if you can use BDC-COMM to try to recreate the error, it will then tell you the error more specifically.