Hey people of Chief Delphi, I got a question. Our team, 3038, is looking for a 2 motor gear box. It does not have to be a super shifter. I looked through CD and I did not find any prices. We found one nonsuper shifter for $140. We are looking for two of them. If there are any teams that are willing to donate two of them that would be nice.
As Chris said, the transmission you got in the kit will take two motors in each transmission. Everyone, rookies and veterans alike, got the same single speed transmissions that you (and I) got. You will have to buy two more motors, though.
Are you, by chance, asking for a multi-speed (i.e. ‘shifting’) transmission?
I’m not sure I understand. Any team could go out and buy a supershifter, but if you are suggesting that 2nd year teams get them in the Kit of parts, you’re wrong. Teams get 2 Andy-Mark toughboxes that can hold 2 cims each.
Every team gets toughboxes which are single speed gearboxes that can take 1 or two motors, as a third year team we did not get a super shifter nor were we supposed to.
If you want a two speed gearbox (dual ratios so say your motor does 1ft-lb at 6k rpm you could have the option of say 2k rpm and 3ft-lbs of torque or 3k rpm and 2ft-lbs of torque) you pretty much have to get an andymark one as they design them specifically for the CIM motors that first lets you use.
According to the Andymark Website all the hardware to attach two motors is included
Check out the instructions
If you place all the hardware (pinion retaining rings etc on the CIM in the beginning instructions, it shows you how to attach it without taking apart the box on page 12.