2 Questions

I have 2 questions. 1) Is it legal to use TETRIX motors in the FRC competition this year? and 2) Is it legal to use an electrical winch? Me and my team want to know before we go farther with our build process. Thanks! -5310

Did you find in the rules, where it lists the allowed motors? And if you did, is the Tetrix motor listed? I didn’t see it, but you ought to double check, yourself. R18 in the Game Manual is where you could look.

And by “electrical winch”, what exactly do you mean? If it’s something that contains a motor, and that motor is not listed in the rules as an allowed motor, then you probably can’t use it. Unless you remove the motor, and replace it with an allowed motor.


… and the 1st place to look is always the rules book. Anything said here on CD (while very helpful) is unofficial.