2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!)

Posted by Andy Baker.

Engineer on team #45, TechnoKats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST

With all of this spare time… I was thinkin’:

What songs would be cool to hear during the upcoming Competitions. These songs would have some relation with this year’s FIRST game… you know, something to do with hanging, ramps, the ball colors, robots, ramming each other into bits, … whatever.

Without too much effort, here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

‘Hang on Sloopy’
the Limbo Song (I don’t know the real name)
‘Hang Fire’ (Rolling Stones)
‘Balls to the Wall’ (Accept)… maybe not appropriate
‘I Get Knocked Down’ (Chumba… whatever)
‘Speed Racer’ (??)
‘I Can’t Drive 55’ (Sammy Hagar)
‘Mello Yello’ (??)
‘Back in Black’ (AC/DC)
‘Black Betty’ (??)
‘Great Balls of Fire’ (Jerry Lee Lewis)
‘Get off of my Cloud’ (Rolling Stones)

So… let’s have them. What songs can you come up with? I’m having a hard time coming up with any that pertain to a ramp… so a Coke (or Dew) goes to the first post that has a ‘ramp’ song that we all know (you can’t make your own, or pull out some obscure relic). I’ll pay at the MI, IL, or National Comp.

We could even burn a CD for the FIRST DJ to play, once we get a list together.

Don’t think too hard,
Andy B.

Posted by Anton Abaya.

Engineer on team #419, Rambots, from BC High / UMass Boston and NASA, Mathsoft, Solidworks.

Posted on 2/29/2000 11:39 PM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

hmmm pretty hard.

the only song I could think of is a nursery rhyme.

London Bridge is Falling Down… hehe


Posted by Patrick Seeney.

Student on team #469, Las Guerrillas, from Oakland Robotics and Lawrence Technological University and Magna Seating Systems, Nachi and Kuka Robotics.

Posted on 3/1/2000 1:36 PM MST

In Reply to: ramp song? posted by Anton Abaya on 2/29/2000 11:39 PM MST:

In the off time, A DJ on our team has been compiling some songs for a mix cd that he is creating. IT includes some pretty interesting things. This week we are recording the vocals for it, and should have it done by our regional next week. We have even done some remixes to some of today’s most popular songs, for example, DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE. IT should be an interesting cd once it is compeleted. If interested, and if complete, come to the Team 469 pits to check out the Guerrilla Mix. LOL…


Posted by Jason Rudolph.

Student on team #168, The Flashbacks, from North Miami Beach Senior High and Velda Farms/FedEx/ETC/HPE Automation.

Posted on 3/1/2000 2:37 PM MST

In Reply to: ramp song? posted by Anton Abaya on 2/29/2000 11:39 PM MST:

The closest thing I could come up with is by Phish, it’s a tune called The Wedge.


Posted by Joe Johnson.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 3/1/2000 8:38 AM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:


Will the Star Spangled Banner earn me a Dew?

‘…ov’r the RAMParts we watched…’

Hey, if that guy is willing to track down a Cheetah for a Dew, I thought I might as well give this a try :wink:

Joe J.

Posted by colleen.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Other on team #246, a FIRST-aholic, from John D. O’Byrant High School/Boston Latin Academy and NSTAR/Boston University/Wentworth Institute of Technology/MassPEP.

Posted on 3/1/2000 12:43 PM MST

In Reply to: How about the Star Spangled Banner? posted by Joe Johnson on 3/1/2000 8:38 AM MST:

Hey joe- nice pic-

is that hollow in the middle???

Posted by Joe Johnson.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 3/1/2000 5:41 PM MST

In Reply to: Joe- Question on the cans… posted by colleen on 3/1/2000 12:43 PM MST:

I have to admit that I just did a search on Mt Dew and found that photo out there on the web somewhere. (in fact the photo is not even on our site, I just copied the link location an pasted in the ‘optional image URL’ field below).

While I could easily come up with enough cans for such a tower of power, I am much to hyper to actually spend the time building one.

Besides, our building safety tour considers 6 cans or more as a safety hazard and writes us up :frowning:

Joe J.

Posted by Tim Railey.

Coach on team #45, TechnoKats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Delco Electronics.

Posted on 3/3/2000 4:26 AM MST

In Reply to: only my cans in spirit, not fact… posted by Joe Johnson on 3/1/2000 5:41 PM MST:

If you can build one of those towers, you must have an addiction problem and we need to get you into a twelve step program. Our team would be glad to help with an intervention.
On second thought, maybe more of us should get this kind of problem because it sure seems to get your team cooking.
Good Luck at regionals, look forward to seeing you guys there.

Posted by S. Krussell.

Coach on team #349, Robahamas, from International Academy and Ford Motor Co…

Posted on 3/1/2000 2:18 PM MST

In Reply to: How about the Star Spangled Banner? posted by Joe Johnson on 3/1/2000 8:38 AM MST:

Geez Joe. that was really bad. I sure do like that stack of Dew cans though. And I thought your metabolism was just naturally accelerated. y’know… a thyroid thing.

Posted by Kate.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy of Math and Science and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Posted on 3/5/2000 12:32 AM MST

In Reply to: How about the Star Spangled Banner? posted by Joe Johnson on 3/1/2000 8:38 AM MST:

Well, I didn’t have a nice pretty pyramid going… And I never got a picture of it… But I had a pretty good wall of cans going in my dorm room until they got knocked down and thrown out…


Posted by S. Krussell.

Coach on team #349, Robahamas, from International Academy and Ford Motor Co…

Posted on 3/1/2000 2:14 PM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

I don’t get it.

Posted by Andy Baker.

Engineer on team #45, TechnoKats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 3/1/2000 9:02 PM MST

In Reply to: Andy B…Get off my cloud ??? posted by S. Krussell on 3/1/2000 2:14 PM MST:

Magic Carpet Ride is much better.

Andy B.

Posted by Keith Liadis.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #131, C.H.A.O.S., from Central High School Central and Osram Sylvania and Fleet Bank.

Posted on 3/1/2000 11:37 PM MST

In Reply to: yeah, it was a bad one. posted by Andy Baker on 3/1/2000 9:02 PM MST:

Magic Carpet Ride… is a very good idea… even the fatboyslim version… (much better)… good job Andy

Posted by Jason Rudolph.

Student on team #168, The Flashbacks, from North Miami Beach Senior High and Velda Farms/FedEx/ETC/HPE Automation.

Posted on 3/1/2000 2:25 PM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

How about Gallows Pole by Led Zeppelin (Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while I think I see my friends coming…)


Posted by Andrew Rudolph.

Student on team NASA KSC/Michael Krop Senior High School from Michael Krop Senior High School sponsored by NASA Kennedy Space Centre.

Posted on 3/1/2000 6:05 PM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

Hey I got 2 songs that pop into my head when I think about the Comp

Particle Man-They might be giants

This is the song that has it all

  1. Particle man is the small Robots. Even though in the song he loses I don’t think they will lose any more than large ones
  2. Universe Man is the large robots… also the large amounts of people that are nice…like him
  3. Triangle man is the ramp. Triangle being the shape of the ramp… also he always wins… and if what they said at the unveiling is true then the ramp will win its battles
  4. Person man is the craziness at the Comps…

The other is
Going the Distance-Cake
you know this one it is the story of the competitor putting it on the line.


P.s. included is a link so you can listen to Particle Man in the Quick time format

If it doesn’t work use the second one and scroll down until you see Particle Man

Posted by Kevin Sevcik.

Other on team #57, Leopards, from BT Washington and the High School for Engineering Professions and Exxon, Kellog Brown & Root, Powell Electrical.

Posted on 3/1/2000 6:29 PM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

Ok… I’ve got a general game song or two, then a couple of songs that I hope will get me that Dew…
First, the game songs:
First, Hook by Blues Traveller for obvious reasons. Second, for any of the teams that are using a plexi sheet to ‘lift’ other robots… Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf. Finally, She’s So High by Tal Bachman

Now the ramps songs…
Slide by the Goo Goo Dolls and Push by Matchbox 20… Hey… it could happen on the ramp, right? :^) but now for my trump card… Higher Ground by Red Hot Chillipepers.

So when to I get my Dew?

Posted by Andy Baker.

Engineer on team #45, TechnoKats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 3/1/2000 9:19 PM MST

In Reply to: Re: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Kevin Sevcik on 3/1/2000 6:29 PM MST:

‘Gonna keep on tryin’, ‘til I reach the higher ground’

Sounds like fighting for the ramp to me…

Once you see team 45, look me up for a Dew.


Posted by Andy Baker.

Engineer on team #45, TechnoKats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 3/1/2000 9:37 PM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

Niice thinkin’ folks… but there are more. I especially like the Giants and Cake songs myself.

Crash Into Me… Dave Matthews Band
Turbo Lover… Judas Priest
Daddy’s Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car… U2

Keep ‘em comin’

Andy B.

Posted by Lloyd Burns.

Other on team #188, Woburn Robotics, from Woburn Collegiate and Canada 3000, ScotiaBank, Royal Bank Financial.

Posted on 3/2/2000 3:40 AM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

: With all of this spare time… I was thinkin’:

: What songs would be cool to hear during the upcoming Competitions.

How about, in the golden oldies (ancient history department),
I’d Rather Be Blue … :slight_smile:

Posted by Andy Grady.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Coach on team #42, P.A.R.T.S, from Alvirne High School and Daniel Webster College.

Posted on 3/2/2000 10:04 AM MST

In Reply to: 2000 Game-Related Songs (for fun!) posted by Andy Baker on 2/29/2000 10:58 PM MST:

Though I am not particulary proud of thinking of this song, i figured i would throw it out to you all anyway…ok here goes…ech this is hard…‘Hangin Tough’ by the New Kids on the Block…ugh, there i said it, I hope your happy :). I think i Deserve a Dew just for having the guts to name that song. Oh well, Good Luck all,
Andy ‘scratch’ Grady, DWC/Alvirne HS, team 42