2003 Bar Height

Does ne1 remember what the height to the bottom of the bar was from the 2003 season. I am refering to the bar that seperated the two robot starting areas. The old FIRST documents says 14 inches to the top… does ne1 know the bottom measurement?


-Greg The Great

I think that 14 inches was the clearance. +/- 1 due to the floor surface.

So you are saying if a robot was 13 inches it would easily be able to fit under the bar?


-Greg The Great

According to a member on my team, our 2003 robot is 14 inches high and we had no trouble fitting under, so, yes 13 inches will fit fine.

That is what i remember from last year. you can veiw the archived documents from last year on the FIRST site.

its 17 inches
I remember it like it was yesterday :slight_smile:

are you sure that it was 17 inches?

no it was 14

That is what i have found on the FIRST website

Found proof:


Take a look at the blueprints, bottom right corner. It shows the bar and the measurements. (Note: the 16" shown is to the top of the bar.)

Thanks For The Help All!

-Greg The Great

woops! ya, it was 16, not 17
Where did i get 17 from tho?

yes, 16" - 1 1/4" (bar width) = 14 3/4" or 14" to be safe.