I need to get a var. byte on a 2003 stamp brain onto the user byte allowed that’s sent back to the OI. It’s from an analog sensor. the problem is, when I move the little jumper to user mode so I can see the byte(the one thats set in default to show p1_y value) and I press the oi switch till I get to the byte, it flashes " 0.0.03", then moves onto the next byte, team number I think.
ELSE 'User Mode is ON
OUT8 = sensor1.BIT0 ' Set ouput bits to display pressure
OUT9 = sensor1.BIT1
OUT10 = sensor1.BIT2
OUT11 = sensor1.BIT3
OUT12 = sensor1.BIT4
OUT13 = sensor1.BIT5
OUT14 = sensor1.BIT6
OUT15 = sensor1.BIT7
My other question is, how do wire in analog sensors into the 2003 brain? It uses a standard parrallel connector for analog inputs. My sensor is the texas instuments pressure transducer given to us a few years ago. Its got three wires though, and the pinout only calls for an input and a ground. Do I just solder two in, like a pot?