2004 in 2003 controllers???

I did a quick search and i can’t find anythign about this.

We have an old robot (2003), which works well, but we want to fiddle around with it with the code and stuff so we want to put the 2004 controller as its in C
Anyone know if its compatiable with all the old stuff? (Ie Will it run it?) We have pnuematics, motors etc. We think it is but we arn’t sure , and we dont know about the stuff


No. C can only be used in 2004 and 2005 controllers.

i think i phrased the question badly
basically, we have our 2003 robot, we want to put our 2004 controller inside it with the 2004 oi , is all the 2003 hardware (speedcontrollers, pneumatics etc) compatiable

Yes. We’ve done it.

Yeah, you’re fine doing that. Last year we put a 2004 controller in our 2000 robot.

We are doing the same exact thing.

Turns out our 03 bot is perfect for testing the sensors.