2004 Robot conroller?

Is it possible to run the CMUcam off the Progam port on the 2004 Robot controller, I see that it has no 4 pin TTL port on it like the 2005.

Pinout apreciated. :smiley:

I need to test autonomous code (yet to be started) and they need to practice driving (also yet to be started). :yikes:

I am pretty sure it does have the ttl port, as I ran the camera on our 2004 bot for a few weeks. Maybe someone replaced it with the 2005 controller while I wasnt looking though. And no, I am not being fesicious there, it is actually a distinct possibility considering our teams ability to comunicate :smiley: . But other than that if you do the firmware update and indeed the ttl port is there (or you can find a way to use a different port) it should work.

The only way I could see to make it work would be to do the firmware update and then use tthe program port for the camera. YOU can select the program port as the port you want to use in the default code for the camera. There is no 4 pin TTL port on the 2004 controller.

Does anyone have the pinout of how I could pull this off? :yikes:

The 2004 FRC Robot Controller does have a TTL serial port.

How do I know this? Well, Hockham (our practice robot) is using it.

But if that doesn’t help you, well, you can find the funniest things on IFI’s website…


mmmmm a little embarassing but i found my problem…

it is not infact a 2004 conroller, it is 2003 or something,:ahh: I looked at a picture on IFIrobotics.com and then hit my hand on my forhead.

The pwm conectors are all spaced out on the one we have been given, free is free right? :o

so I need to run it off the program port ithink if that is possible… this conroller has no ttl for sure( whatever the year is.) I am thinking i can run a DB9 cable (as if connecting to a computer) and run it to the camera.

all i can do is try I suppose, but if anyone has any useful info for me, do tell.