2006 FRC Field Model Available for Download

Again, I have modeled the field and have put it up for free use. This is my interpretation of the diagrams, and has been modeled free-hand. It is not perfect, but should provide you a good starting point to work from, or a decent field to throw in your animations.

The file is located in the 3ds max section of my team’s website, http://metalmuscle.org. It has been created in 3ds max 8, but I have included a .3ds version for all of you using older versions of max.

Feel free to place it in your animations and use it, re-design it, or tear it apart. I ask only that you give credit where it is due, specifically my name in your team’s credits.

Thanks, and enjoy!

-Alexander S. McGee


EDIT: Brandon, I moved this here so it might get a little more front-page action. Feel free to move it back if you don’t want it here.

Excellent post! Much appreciated man!

Great modelling work! :]

very nice. Major props on that

Awesome Job :slight_smile:

this is grand! I was about to have someone do this but you’ve done it already. Your awesome!

Awesome! I have Bryce 5, is there a way to get it to work on that by converting the file?

I have worked with bryce before, but don’t know about file formats. I think the best would be .obj, as i believe that bryce can import that format. Does that option work? If so, I’ll upload it. If not, let me know what other formats would do.


It looks awesome but i am having problems with importing it into 3ds it says there are a bunch of various missing .dll’s i kinda need some help. do i need to use 3ds 8?

I have updated the file and included some of the missing textures. Let me know if anyone runs into any more problems.

You should put these images on the Wikipedia article for Aim High, or I can do it if you want.