Again, I have modeled the field and have put it up for free use. This is my interpretation of the diagrams, and has been modeled free-hand. It is not perfect, but should provide you a good starting point to work from, or a decent field to throw in your animations.
The file is located in the 3ds max section of my team’s website, It has been created in 3ds max 8, but I have included a .3ds version for all of you using older versions of max.
Feel free to place it in your animations and use it, re-design it, or tear it apart. I ask only that you give credit where it is due, specifically my name in your team’s credits.
Thanks, and enjoy!
-Alexander S. McGee
EDIT: Brandon, I moved this here so it might get a little more front-page action. Feel free to move it back if you don’t want it here.