2006 Motor Specs

Here are the specifics of the pulley on the output pinion of the large CIM motor:

Gates Rubber Co., 16 groove, 3mm pitch Powergrip GT, 15mm wide.

This is from the same Fisher-Price spec sheet that the motor curve FIRST provided came from. I do not know why they did not provide both sheets. If IFI tells me it is O.K., then I will just supply the sheet (there is nothing else in the data sheet of any importance that the motor curve does not provide).

Also, I verified the other fisher-Price motor specifications (the ones with the plastic gearboxes):

Both motor graphs that FIRST has provided are the EXACT motor curves provided by Johnson Electric. I am very impressed that they provided the correct sheets this year. I am using the Fisher-Price motors and using the curves FIRST provided as they are correct.

The small CIM motor is identical to the ones provided in the kit last year. There are no changes at all. The same specifications apply and the kit gearbox works the exact same way it did last year. If you want to run it with 4 motors, you must purchase two this year.
