2006 Silicon Valley Regional

Hey guys, just thought I’d start the Silicon Valley regional thread since its only three days away. (I’m so excited)

I know that the team list is on the FIRST website and everything, but I just wanted to know whos pumped for Silicon Valley this year! I think its gonna be a blast!

Another thing I wanted to ask was who’s planning on going to the team social Friday night? Jason Morrella posted an update about a month ago here announcing the return of the team social, but the FIRST official regional schedule doesn’t have the social on it. Is the social still a go? An update would be very nice.

Anyhow, I’m looking forward to the tough NorCal competition and hope to everyone there.

Mike Corsetto

We’re pumped all right! Can’t wait to play with you guys and all the other great teams at SVR! I’ve seen some of the robots, and it looks like tough competition.

Team 100 will be there.

And teams, if you bring a laptop with wireless capabilities, FIRST Scouting Network will be at SVR. Use it!

Thats great the FIRST Scouting Network will be in use. I am interested in hearing how it is working.

well, we HOPE it will be in use…everything’s in place, except we haven’t received the software. In the case that it never gets running, we’ll have a primitive backup (essentially web pages with the team’s scouting info listed). We really, sincerely hope to get FSN working however.

Well, I don’t mean to be a tout :cool: but if you do not get it up you may consider STAMP as an alternative. It has been run for week 1 and week 2 and will have a v1.3 release out for week 3.

Since not all team got their LEDs, It is important for everyone to bring any extra LEDs (including last year’s) To their regionals. FIRST has relaxed the requirement, but it makes everyone’s job easier, including inspectors, refs, and anyone trying to debug hardware/software problems. Having LEDs makes the competition run faster for everyone. IF you have an extra set, please bring them to your regional, so that everyone can participate and enjoy the event with the best possible results.

I am Chief Robot Inspector at SVR and Sacramento - good luck all.

FSN has been recieved, and should be up and running!

Just exactly where on the SJSU campus is the competition being held? A couple of the team members of 1147 and I are coming down to spy, err ahh, scout, ahh, I mean watch the competitions Saturday. We would love to lend a hand to anyone who might need it as well.

BTW, Nuttyman, I want to see your configuration of FSN. I got ours set for Davis/Sacramento and would love to see it in action before we actually put ours on the air.

Anyone else watching the webcast?

What webcast? Please fill us in - I must have overlooked it somewhere!!


Yep. I have it playing in the background. And I’m finding the music incredibly monotonous. :frowning:

They are being held at the event center. Here is a little map that I found that might help a little.

Hope that helps you out.

Wow, that is all I can say!
This is way more that I needed, is what I hoped for, and exactly what you should expect from a member of 254. Way over the top helpful!!
Thx. See y’all there Saturday

There was a big article and a bunch of photos from SV on C|NET:

End of the day, Friday… Why am I not surprised that the Poofs are undefeated and in 1st place? :wink:

You must respect the Cheesy Poofs’ authoritae.

And the fact that they have won it every year since it’s inception.

Why am I not surprised?

  1. They have a solid design, not over engineered, not prone to instability.
  2. They have a well thought out STRATEGY for the game and they stick to it.
  3. They have experience as a team.

Those three aspects make them a winning team! Always have, always will!

Are they undefeatable? Not at all. Find a chink in their armour and you can beat them. It won’t be easy, it will take commitment and sacrifice.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not attacking nor defending them. I am just expressing my admiration of their performance so far and my observations.

Personally, I believe they are a team to emulate. I also would have no end of pride in my team for defeating them.

Everyone loves to dethrone the top dog, but you might get bit in the process.

No problem! Glad I could help.