To name a few: Sparx 1126 was amazing at FLR. They had a very innovative gripper, and were extremely fast, even with one defensive bot on them at all times.
Obviousley 148 and 217. Hopefully everyone has seen the videos from St. Louis, these guys are offensive monsters.
EDIT: Speaking of Offensive monsters, I don’t know how I forgot about Simbots, Team 1114, I have seen video of these guys and they are the real deal, they are one of the best teams in FIRST, and deserve tons of recognition even if you haven’t seen them. Check out video of these guys in action as soon as it’s up
And as long as we are on the subject of videos, I hope everyone has seen episode 5 of American Robot. The RhodeWarriors haven’t even competed yet, but they are going to be a force to be reckoned with, guaranteed.
I’ll tell you one thing, as far as guarantees go, team 195, the Cyber Knights were one of the best scorers I saw on the UTC webcast, and I hope they make it to Atlanta again this year.
As long as we’re talking about UTC and 195, how about their alliance partners! The Uberbots, team 1124, was one of the fastest cappers at UTC. I hope they find a way to Atlanta as well.
I’m sure I could list of 25 more teams, but for now, I will leave it at this.
Actually, speaking about 25, they were decent too