2007 Brazilian Pilot

Today we had the first official FIRST competition here in Brazil - The Brazilian Pilot

Some friends from NJ, students and mentors from teams #75 and #2016, came here to visit us, get to know our tech school (ETEP) and check some of the regional out. I’d like to thank them, by the way.

I’m very proud of my team’s work. We are the regional winners, we got the Chairman’s Award (just like our #75 mates) and Website Award.It’s so exciting!!

Bear in mind guys, specially the rookie ones, never give up on your dreams! Keep moving on no matter how tough things are!!!

I hope FIRST keeps spreading here in Brazil and maybe we can see some of you guys in the next years.



CONGRATULATIONS!!! 1382!!! Great Job!

Congratulations for all teams!! great competition!! :smiley: :smiley:

now waiting for next year Brazilian Regional!!:cool:

Congratulations to ETEP, Team 1382, for the Regional and Chairman’s win!
I’d like to quote the introduction and conclusion paragraphs of our team’s 2007 Chairman’s Award essay to let you know how we feel:

You guys at 1382 have made us proud! :wink:

Team 383 thanks all teams that made this exciting event, in special teams 1603 and 2266 for our finalist alliance - we did what we could, competing hard and fairly.

Congratulations to team 2244 for their Engineering Inspiration award - that’s a bunch of people that gets FIRST since the team’s inception and are well on their way for a future Chairman’s award - make us proud again!

Of special note, I’d like to thank my students at 383. This year’s group is fantastic, your work during the build season and especially in the regional was superb and I don’t have words to describe how special you all are.

In the last match of the competition, Final 2, with our alliance in need of a win to pull a third match, the opposing alliance managed to put a keeper in autonomous after many close misses. The three students with me on the field, Gabriel, Roberta and Mari immediately started to applaud them for their effort.

In the heat of the battle I didn’t realize they had done it and was only told after competition was over. I never got the chance to thank them. Knowing my students had such a spontaneous behavior with an opponent’s success, even if it meant we would lose the regional, made my day - you guys are gracious professionals definition. It was by far my best moment in all eight years on FIRST. If asked, I would trade a National Chairman’s Award win for having that moment again - without even blinking.

A sincere thanks to all.

Does anyone have a full awards list from the competition?


FIRST’s awards list is complete. The blank awards were not given out because we had a pilot, not a regional. Wait for next year!

Thank You :slight_smile:

I wanted to thank all the Brazilian teams for being such gracious hosts and giving us such a welcome and amazing experience. I also want to thank 1382 for giving us a once in a life time experience to see true Brazilian culture. It is a shame I am a senior and won’t get to go back with the team again. I hope to see all of you in Atlanta.

Congrats to All teams. Especially 1382. Great Job, cant wait to see you all at championships. :smiley:

Did anyone record the event? We’d like to have a copy.


WOW~! Great job everybody! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun, and I’m glad!

Congrats on your awards! =D

Wooh! Some year I’ll make it down on my own. There’s more than just robotics I like in Brazil! It’s puuurty. Anyways, yeah, good job guys. Team 383 is one of my favorite teams and Brazilians are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met.

Answered on the Coordinated Regional Archiving thread. :wink:

I wanted to thank all the Brazilian teams for being such gracious hosts and giving us such a welcome and amazing experience. I also want to thank 1382 for giving us a once in a life time experience to see true Brazilian culture. It is a shame I am a senior and won’t get to go back with the team again. I hope to see all of you in Atlanta.

hey Alex!
how are you??
I hope ur fine…
U guys are very nice ppl and Im really glad to met u guys… thank u all for comming here…
Send me a e-mail with some pics of the trip and I reply u…

See you next year… here in brazil =]… cuz atlanta its too expencive =/

I’m sincerely in tears.
I should write a testimonial about how the last weeks spent along with Manoel and the whole team were simply some of the best of my entire life, but i don’t feel emotionally ready now.

I am great, I am so proud you guys won. I hope to be able to make it down next year, or even sooner.

On a separate note, for all those who were not there, I just wanted to say that this competition was unlike any other I had been to before. It wasn’t the fact that I couldn’t understand over half the words being spoken that made it different. I just felt a whole different level of spirit and gracious professionalism.

Even though these teams were coming in from across the country, they way they acted with each other it seemed more like they were coming from across town. Every team worked with each other making sure everyone had the help they needed. It was one of the best examples of gracious professionalism I have ever seen. Even in light of so many technical difficulties and physical challenges (ringers getting stuck in customs) the teams and the competition as a whole managed to strive through it all and come out on top.

I was also amazed by all the press coverage the competition was getting. Every time I turned around there was another reporter with a microphone and a camera filming or taking an interview. As we left the competition I was surprised to see a MTV van parked outside unloading some of its camera gear.

Over all I have to say it was an amazing experience and we can all learn a little something from our friends down south. Thanks again guys for the amazing competition.

we would like to thank everyone, who was somehow linked with the event: all the teams attending there, some team members that couldn’t go, and specially to our guests from 75 and 2016, that came across the countries bringing their support to us…

To team #383, we thank you for all the support and help you gave to us, since our team formation in 2004. We are glad to proud you… It’s good to have the recognition of a team like you… and it’s better to be friend of yours!

I’m a witness of what manoel is saying… and i also can say that it was a fantastic show of gracious professionalism.

The event as it all, was wonderful, and we can wait for great competitions in the next years, it would be good to have foreigner teams attending the regional and we hope we’ll have…

To all the teams congratulation it was a tough competition but at all the time with fair play…

Thank you all and congratulations

Hey guys, how u doin?

FIRST of all, I want to thank teams #75 and #2016 for all the support at the competition, mainly to Eric and Alex, guys, you made the difference, and won the chairmans two times, one at NJ and the other with us;)
We had a big presentation, a beautiful job and a lot of nervousism, then you helped us when everything was messed up!
Thanks for the datashow, the partnership, the visit, everythinng!
Hope to see you at Atlanta, and meet everybody this time!
Let’s work TOGETHER!



am so proud of all teams in brazilian pilot!

by the way…
my rookie team got the Engineering Inspiration!! ah soooo proud!

It was great to be in Brazil for the kickoff. The teams were all very impressive and seeing so many Rookie teams was great! I hope that we can compete in this competition one year soon.

Thanks for the great visit
