2007 Davis Sacramento Regional

Week 3 is already over, and is it just me, or is there still no thread for this Week 5 regional? Because I’ve searched a few times, never saw one.

Anyways, 115 will be ready to make huge improvements on the performance we had at SVR. 42nd out of 48 teams was not what we had hoped for, but we always fare better at later regionals, and assuming we got rid of the bugs we had, El Toro X will be something worth watching on the field.

Well? Who else will be there? You guys excited or what?

Oh yeah…the team is getting prepared to defend their title :slight_smile:

should be fun! we leave a week from tomorrow, two day drive.

FRC 100 is working on improving our scouting system.

Its been years since we actually had to chose an alliance and we are a bit rusty. It was fun playing with 114 and 973, but it was a poorly chosen alliance. 973 had a great ramp system that lifted many robots… but they were unable to lift neither 114 nor 100…

I have to say, that both 114 and ourselves underestimated the power of ramps. We thought that an alliance of two powerful tube-scorers would make for an easy victory.

However 60 points is hard to beat when you’re constantly being battered by defensive lifters (like 488):o

Anyone know the ratio of ramps to tubers at Davis?

I’ll be at Davis, volunteering. Reffing or inspecting or both, dunno yet.

Davis will be a very tough regional, because most of the teams going there had their first regional at SVR, and will have worked out the bugs in their robots. There will be some serious competition, it’ll be a great regional.

All you people from my old teams, come say hi, I’ll be wearing my trademark straw hat. And if you just wanna say hi, feel free :P. See you there!

I can’t wait for the Davis regional, especially when all of these good robots and teams from SVR are going to be there. 1726 should be even stronger this year than last (although last year was more luck…). We almost took the Arizona regional, and I’m sure we can get a working autonomous and well built claw when we get there.

Yeah, definitely need to improve your scouting system. I remember Andrew standing there with a pile of papers with random scouting data, where as I had a nice half sheet of paper with two columns for ramp and scoring bots.

I’ve been watching matches off of TBA (which rocks by the way!) and I’ve noticed a couple methods that hardcore scoring alliances have pulled through victories versus ramp bot alliance that we did not do at SVR. One hint: Aim High :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait for Davis, its gonna rock. My personal goal is to average over 4 ringers scored per match throughout the weekend, and maybe even get a keeper or two on :wink:

See you all in a week and a half!

Mike C.

I know 701 is going to rock the house!

Seriously though, this is my first year as an alum and I can’t wait to see ya’lls bots this year.

P.S. I get to wake up later than anyone because I live on campus:]

701 is one of the teams I’m really interested in seeing this regional. I saw one of your practice videos and my jaw dropped. You guys looked incredibly smooth. Have you guys got any ramps on yet?

This will be team 997s first show at Davis/Sacramento and we cant wait.
we were at PNW week 1 and waiting 4 weeks is just killing the entire team,
Best of luck to you all at the competition

753 will be showing up again.
After making Finals last year (in a close loss) were hoping to reclaim-some fame.
We love UC Davis, looking forward to meeting you other teams.

(Edit. Glad to see 997 showing up)

we do have two ramps, but we will only be using one of them.

Huh? What happened/why?

Were using a grabber with Suction Cups

During the Bayou Regional we had problems with one side not lifting so we just took them off. For Davis we are adding sides and a “stopper” on our single ramp so a robot wont have to worry about rolling off the ramp.

1351 will be there. Like 115, 38/48 at SVR was not so satisfying, so we will see what can be improved (Namely, our arm which we only got working for our final qualifier and didn’t even use then). Our chassis is still goin strong though, so look for us with the best defense you’ve ever seen. :smiley:

1671 will be there for sure!!
we have came a long way since last year
working off a very tight budget and using plywood to construct most of the bot to getting a major sponsor, PELCO, to step in and help us out this year. Thanks to them i dont think we would have made it any further than last year. Our programmers are doing excellent, so many things programmed it is pretty much idiot proof to the point when ur driving it, its very hard to screw something up.

we are also proud to announce we will be hosting sundial at this event. it is very possible that we may need 2-3 extra people to help run the system and keeping it up to date since as of now its me, and our head programmer who are both going to be extremely busy. so if you are interested in helping come stop by at comp! i have been talking to pat all night, a few bugs in the program but they should be fixed shortly.

p.s. does anyone know if they have released match schedules yet? it would help us severely in inputing it all into sundial before the comp.


973 will be there with a better ramp and scoring arm. We’re always willing to run defense and our improved ramps should make it so that we are climbable by everyone.

701 will be there… rockin the house! I’m very impressed with what our team has come up with this year.

And I will finally get to see our matches from the stands this year! It’s been like 4 years since i did that!

This looks to be one of the most competitive and exciting regionals of the year, I’m really disappointed that I can’t go. :frowning: With all of the fast scoring robots competing, I expect there to be many near full racks. Someone be sure to document everything so those of us who are less fortunate can see some of the action!

Go 1726!

After a tough year, I’ll be happy seeing our robot move and our students enjoy our only event. Good luck to everyone!

I take it Sundial is a scouting program?