2007 Game Calculator

I suppose you could also call it a game simulator, or a scoring simulator, or a scoring calculator, etc. In any case, it provides an easy way to figure the status of the game, at any point, and to make things just a little bit easier for the coaches. And, being a simple HTML/Javascript application, it can be run from any computer. It is a little crowded, but considering how much there is to take into account in this game, it’s relatively simple. Anyway, I made it for our team, but if anyone else wants to use it, you’re more than welcome. And if there are any other suggestions, name them. Although, with this being well functional as it is, any more work on it would be at the bottom of my list, at least until after shipping. The code’s not commented, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand, if you wanted to change it yourself.

Game Calculator.zip (2.96 KB)

Game Calculator.zip (2.96 KB)