Okay, so here’s the 2007 thread. What’s going to happen in two years?
you need to get out more.
Water Game.
Besides that, this thread is fairly useless for about 550 more days.
Well… the second post in this thread is water, too bad… the 2006 thread had it on the first post.
Don’t forget the infatable clowns if they are not in the 2006 game .
Please let there be no 2008 game thead until atleast 2007!!!1o-n-e
Aaacckkk! Guurrkkk! Sssnorrrrkkkkk! Brain … explode … will. AAAArrrrggghhh!! Must … not … think … about … 2007 … yet. Uuurrgghh!!! Still … have … to … resolve … how … to … pack … parachutes … for … 2006 … Ooorrrkkggnn!!
–awww poor dave and the crew
2007 wow i’ll be in college–lol-- umm cant’ we just finish this year and then think of next and then do 07-- it’ll probably be like always something that rookies can jump into while they still challege us veteran teams–i’m sure they’ll be giving us cool things to use-- perhaps it’ll be a combo with tetras and balls…who knows…gotta wait and see don’t ya think…and wait for the clue later on in 06
So, flying robots. I think this adds a whole new dimension to the game, literally and figeratively. Guys,either 2006 or 2007 will be a mario game. It is for sure.
It’s the year they forget about GP and you build telsla coils/emp and alligators… yes build alligators and they eat babies… pregnant babies…
think about this years game…
no more pointless posting
this is just sad…http://boards.buffalobills.com/forums/html/emoticons/shake.gif
wow… that would be the year I graduate! hmm… Submarines and Green Jello… and points are scored with KK doughnuts to make Dave happy ^.^
Man, I’m obsessed with guessing and such, but $@#$@#$@#$@#.
Gee, 2007, my graduation year (ignore). OK, by then, the anti-gravity floor would’ve been made, and all teams would have to build around that.
The field would be like a giant orrery, with a large sphere in the center. In order to score, a team would have to take fake asteroids and attach them to the center sphere. @end_of_match: go into orbit around the center sphere.
Just dreaming. LOL
Oh god, I officially label this thread as the one most likely to drive a person completely and utterly insane. :yikes:
The flying robots game is intended to give an edge to the GE, Pratt Whitney and Rolls-Royce teams, and encourage Boeing and Bell Helicopter to step up their support.
Dave, how does one get into the whole assisting with designing the field and stuff like that?
Sounds like you were asleep and the computer was recording the sounds you were making…
Wow, those are some pretty interesting sleeping noises. :rolleyes:
/me is sad that I missed out on being the first to say “Water game!”
What do you get when you mix water and sparks? Zaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp
so what if water and sparks don’t mix? Put it in a floating bubble that will protect it! Floating bubbles can protect all.
I’m just saying, but wouldn’t water be a pain?