2007 West Michigan Regional

Is this, Pound Per Pound the Toughest Regional Out There? (Thank you Dave Verbrugge). It’s only a couple days aways. Who is excited? Any predictions? Will this be a preview of the Championship Event?

Does anyone know the status of the webcast for this event?? It was on the NASA list of webcasts and then it suddenly wasn’t. It would be great to check out this regional. So anyone know what the word on a webcast for West Michigan is??



Yes, we are planning on providing a webcast. The regional web site (http://www.westmichiganregional.com) already has the information and a link, but if you can’t get to that for some reason the URL is:
Barring any problems we should have it up and running Thursday morning.

Is that this week? I thought it was next week. Well either way… good luck to our buddies on 107 and the rest of the Holland, MI teams. Enjoy this competition, I know I did last year.

WAHHHHH!!! Team 66 isn’t going this year… its sort of a bummer… :frowning: Oh well, good luck to everyone up there, hope it turns out great.



Yep, it’s that week, it’s amazing how fast this year is going… I can’t wait to watch this regional courtside.:smiley:

226 can’t wait! It’s going to be a great comp… looks pretty tough. But we think we have our robot fixed after GLR… I guess we’ll see this weekend!

Our FLL teams and others that can’t come are really excited to see there’s a webcast, thanks Wildstang!

hey where can i get a list of all the teams playing? in west michigan.


You’ll be missed. Always great to see you guys here.

I’m going nuts getting ready, but am really looking forward to WMR. Like always, any one needing help or advice look up team 85 or one of the other (14 ?) West Michigan teams.

It will be great to see some new teams such as Hopkins and West Catholic, awesome veterans, and lots of friends.

Although living on the East side of the state now, Hopkins is where I went to high school way back in the 80’s - looking forward to seeing them there.

I’m definitely excited to be coming back to what I believe has become the toughest regional of all. “pound for pound…etc.”

Any chance of getting this webcast up on something other than Real Player?

I am stuck at home (waiting for wife to delivery first born son), dieing to watch this regional in the meantime.

Us GM people get our hands slapped everytime we try to download and use Real Player.


Good Luck HOT Team.

I’m in the same boat (computer wise not baby wise.) No real player allowed here at work.

PS Good luck on the baby, mine are 20 and 16!

No, sorry. The broadcast software we have available is Real. You might be able to view it with VLC if you can download that.

I am also in the same boat… darn GM computer policy

Do we have to refresh our feed (or do something else) for the “post lunch” games?

I think they’re back to using the wide shot again during the matches, if that’s what you’re talking about. They had it on the sponsor slideshow for a while. Originally they had planned on showing that all day but we asked the AV guys to give us a fixed camera shot instead and they were nice enough to oblige us.

Does anybody how to get a schedule, I’m curious on when 71 will be up.

Thanks Dave, it’s all fixed again!

Adam and others who don’t like/can’t use Real, I second getting VLC player.