2008 CalGames Registration is open!

Join the WRRF Community Google Group to receive regular information on Cal Games 2008 (and workshops planned for 2008-09).

CalGames 2008 Registration announcement is attached.

Email: [email protected] for information

sorry I couldn’t get this posted earlier in week, couldn’t get into Chief Delphi… and THANK YOU to Team Chief Delphi for all you do for the robotics community!]


Ceal Craig
Secretary/Treasurer WRRF BOD
[email protected]

2008_Announcing_Registration_for_CalGames_2008.pdf (67.6 KB)

2008_Announcing_Registration_for_CalGames_2008.pdf (67.6 KB)

Sorry folks! When we developed the announcement we were looking at last year’s “hard to fill spot” descriptions and realized we should not have assumed! Always gets you in trouble! :ahh:

Reposting Registration ANNOUNCEMENT!

Announcing Registration for CalGames 2008-REV.pdf (67.6 KB)

Announcing Registration for CalGames 2008-REV.pdf (67.6 KB)

Hello folks!

A simple update: **CalGames 2008 **(October 24-25, 2008 to be held at Archbishop Mitty High School in Cupertino CA) is almost fully subscribed.

Only two open Tier 3 slots (open to anyone) and one Tier 2 slot (field element support) are still open.

Send a messages to [email protected] if you have any questions or have interest!