Below is the list of teams invited to the 2008 Indiana Robotics Invitational.
Also included is the list of 8 ‘wait listed’ teams.
(an excel file is also attached)
Invited teams and waitlisted teams will receive an email with additional instructions later this evening.
Thank you to all who applied.
We had almost 100 team applications and it was a difficult task to narrow down the field to 72 teams. We considered 2008 performance, IRI history, team essays and other data when making the selection.
It looks to be an awesome competition.
Team Invitations - Team Number Order
Team Team Name
1 1 Juggernauts
2 16 Bomb Squad
3 27 Team RUSH
4 33 Killer Bees
5 39 The 39th Aero Squadron
6 45 TechnoKats
7 47 Chief Delphi
8 48 Delphi E.L.I.T.E.
9 67 Heroes of Tomorrow
10 68 Truck Town Thunder
11 71 Team Hammond
12 93 NEW Apple Corps
13 107 Holland Christian Team R.O.B.O.T.I.C.S.
14 111 Wildstang
15 116 Epsilon Delta
16 118 Robonauts
17 121 The Rhode Warriors
18 135 Penn Robotics
19 141 WOBOT
20 148 Robowranglers
21 171 Extreme Engineering
22 177 Bobcat Robotics
23 195 Cyber Knights
24 217 ThunderChickens
25 233 The PINK Team
26 234 Cyber Blue
27 254 Cheesy Poofs
28 292 PantherTech
29 330 Beach Bots
30 364 Team Fusion
31 368 Team Kika Mana
32 461 Westside Boiler Invasion
33 469 Las Guerrillas
34 494 Martians
35 503 Frog Force
36 573 The MechWarriors
37 829 Warren Robotics “Digital Goats”
38 830 Rat Pack
39 868 TechHOUNDS
40 876 Thunder Robotics
41 888 Robotiators
42 910 Foley Freeze
43 968 RAWC
44 980 ThunderBots
45 987 High Rollers
46 1008 Team Lugnut
47 1018 RoboDevils
48 1024 Kil-A-Bytes
49 1038 Thunderhawks
50 1094 River City Robots Channel Cats
51 1108 Panther Robotics
52 1114 Simbotics
53 1126 SparX
54 1243 Dragons
55 1327 Sbotz
56 1477 Northside Roboteers
57 1501 T.H.R.U.S.T.
58 1503 Spartonics
59 1519 Mechanical Mayhem
60 1529 Southport CyberCards
61 1592 Bionic Tigers
62 1625 Winnovation
63 1646 Precision Guessworks
64 1675 The Ultimate Protection Squad
65 1731 Fresta Valley Robotics
66 1741 Red Alert Robotics
67 1747 HBR
68 1760 Robo-Titans
69 1902 Exploding Bacon
70 2056 Patriotics
71 2171 RoboDogs
72 2377 C Company
Wait List Teams - Call Up Order
Team Team Name
Wait 1 222 Tigertrons
Wait 2 101 Striker
Wait 3 1720 PhyXTGears
Wait 4 931 Perpetual Chaos
Wait 5 832 Roswell High School Chimera
Wait 6 2194 Fondy Fire
Wait 7 2177 The Robettes
Wait 8 1629 GaCo
Amazing, I come to Delphi right as this is put up. I can see just by looking down the list that this is going to be INTENSE. I absolutely cannot wait, as this is basically going to be our Championship event. The best of the best are going to IRI, and I love competing with the best.
Thanks for the invite! I really enjoyed IRI in 2005 and 2006, and unfortunately we missed registration last year, the year we were really competitive. Oh well, I can’t do anything about the past, and I guess this means I should replace the tread on ours since some robot in Curie had an appetite for blue nitrile tread and took a chunk out of one of our wheels… and I guess I should really try working on hybrid a little more so we don’t hit the wall *every *match.
Perhaps you mean “as entertaining”… with match scores of 104-54 and 136-94, the finals on Einstein were definitely entertaining, certainly impressive, but… well… not exactly all that competitive… especially when compared to some of the Einstein semis and divisional playoffs.
But I know what you mean… there will be some great matches. It will be interesting to see if any of these teams will be able to catch up to 1114.
WOO-HOO!!! Can’t wait, I couldn’t think of a better crowd to spend my birthday with!!(july 19th) Hopefully I can walk away with a present, a shiney present. see ya’ll there
I’m going to “look forward” and predict that the team’s attending IRI WILL NOT allow 148, 217 and 1114 to team up for the elimination rounds but I definitely see one of them repeating their performance at the Championships.
Any guesses as to which one will take the top prize?
Can’t wait to pack my ego and head to Indy in July.