Wowzers! What a fantastic competition. Anyone who missed the Eliminations missed some really competitive and tenacious matches. The defense was crazy, and the team work through the roof.
First off a huge thank you to all of the volunteers, referees, field personnel. This event was superbly run. It was really a quality event, with few problems overall. A shout out to Jim Zondag, too. Great announcing and I felt like you really managed to pump up the crowd, especially during eliminations.
Congratulations to 818, 66, and 515. You were a great alliance, and the craziest matches we’ve ever had. You guys were just unrelenting in those matches, and trying to fight away from the blockade of robots you put up was some of the toughest driving our drive team has had to endure I do believe. You are all class act teams, and you definitely deserve the win. Thank you to all of the kind words from 818 especially. Your team is the definition of gracious professionalism and we had a ton of fun competing with you.
A huge thanks to 1856 and 2620. You were fantastic alliance partners and a real joy to work with. We had a bit of a rough start in our First match and some close calls throughout but we put ourselves out there and managed to almost go the whole distance. Considering the alliance we were against in the finals I’m proud of all three of our teams.
A special shout out to team 3119 again. Semi- finalists? Wow, fantastic work guys. Props to your driver, some of the best defensive driving on the field. When we had the chance to play together you were great alliance partners and I think your team has a number of awesome years ahead of it. I’m sure you’ll be even better at Troy, so I look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you to the Judges for the Xerox Creativity Award as well. It’s definitely an honor to win, and we were absolutely thrilled to have been chosen for this award.
Congrats to team 66, the Flyers, on the District Chairman’s award. You guys are highly deserving of this award and one of our favorite teams to work with (and compete against.)
I feel like there are more thank yous and congrats I should be mentioning but I could probably be here all night and mention every team. I saw nothing but awesome and competitive matches involving gracious, professional, helpful, and kind teams. Thanks to all of them for such a great competition, and we’ll be seeing some of you in Troy and States. Good luck out there!