2009 Regional Registration Progress

This is sort of a continuation of Richard’s thread from last year.

This morning team registration broke the 1000 barrier.
That’s 10% ahead of last year at this same time.

5 resurrected veteran teams, so far.

107 new teams too with Texas and Oklahoma leading the recruiting.
New teams are rookies as well as those not judged by FIRST to be true rookies, such as 2707, 2715, 2719, 2828, 2852, 2858, and 2860.

**TX                        **15
**OK                        **12
**IL                         **9
**MI                        **8
**MN                       **8
**CA                        **6
**MA                       **4
**NY                        **4
**AZ                        **3
**CT                        **3
**FL                        **3
**MD                       **3
**MO                       **3
**CO                       **2
**ID                         **2
**IN                         **2
**KY                        **2
**NH**                   2
**NJ                        **2
**ON                       **2
**SC                        **2
**TN                        **2
**WI                        **2
**HI                        **1
**MS                       **1
**OH                       **1
**OR                        **1
**VA                        **1
**WA                       **1

Looks like another solid growth year even with the economic (hence sponsorship) problems.

Popular Regional destinations:

**Week 1  **
**50          **Oklahoma City Regional                       Oklahoma City, OK
**48          **Washington DC Regional                      Washington, DC
**44          **Midwest Regional                                 Chicago, IL
**38          **BAE Systems Granite State Regional    Manchester, NH
**38          **Greater Kansas City Regional               Kansas City, MO
**30          ****Traverse City  District                        Traverse City, MI
**27          **New Jersey Regional                            Trenton, NJ
**17          **Buckeye Regional                                Cleveland, OH
**Week 2  **
**43          **Boston Regional                                  Boston, MA
**28          **Finger Lakes Regional                          Rochester, NY
**25          **Oregon Regional                                  Portland, OR
**25          ****Kettering University  District                Flint, MI
**21          **San Diego Regional                              San Diego, CA
**20          **New York City Regional                        New York, NY
**Week 3  **
**39          **Florida Regional                                   Orlando, FL
**37          **Silicon Valley Regional                         San Jose, CA
**25          ****Cass Tech   District                           Detroit, MI
**24          **Los Angeles Regional                           Long Beach, CA
**24          **Wisconsin Regional                             Milwaukee, WI
**18          **Peachtree Regional                              Duluth, GA
**17          **Dallas Regional                                    Dallas, TX
**12          **Pittsburgh Regional                              Pittsburgh, PA
**4            **Israel Regional                                     Tel Aviv, IS
**Week 4  **
**4            **Waterloo Regional                                Waterloo, ON
**27          **NASA VCU Regional                            Richmond, VA
**25          **Boilermaker Regional                           West Lafayette, IN
**25          **Arizona Regional                                  Phoenix, AZ
**25          ****Lansing   District                               Lansing, MI
**25          ****Detroit    District                                Detroit, MI
**24          **Philadelphia Regional                           Philadelphi, PA
**14          **Chesapeake Regional                           Annapolis, MD
**13          **St. Louis Regional                                St. Louis, MO
**7            **Bayou Regional                                   New Orleans, LA
**Week 5  **
**40          **SBPLI Long Island Regional                  Hempstead, NY
**28          ****Troy  District                                    Troy, MI
**25          ****West Michigan District                      Grand Rapids, MI
**20          **Connecticut Regional                           Hartford, CT
**17          **Lone Star Regional                               Houston, TX
**17          **Palmetto Regional                                Clemson, SC
**17          **Greater Toronto Regional                      Mississauga, ON
**13          **Sacramento Regional                           Davis, CA
**12          **Colorado Regional                                Denver, CO
**10          **Hawaii Regional                                   Honolulu, HI
**8            **Las Vegas Regional                             Las Vegas, NV
**0            ***Microsoft Seattle Regional               Seattle, WA
**Week 6  **
**21          **Minnesota 10000 Lakes Regional          Minnesota, MN
**19          **Minnesota North Star Regional              Minnesota, MN
**0            ****Michigan State Championship            Ypsilanti, MI
**Week 8**
**102**      Championship                                      Atlanta, GA
***            **Restricted event                                   
****           **Restricted Michigan events                   

Doesn’t count teams on waitlists for these events and there are a few registered teams that don’t show up on the registered list yet.

The Hawaii regional list should increase on the 2nd go around for additional signups. Curious as to who from the mainland will be attending though. :confused:

wow i thought Florida would do better than that i know my team got a new team started #2797 what are the others

That’s great to see all the growth from all the new Texas teams. :slight_smile:

It is great to see the expansion of the FIRST community. Team 1261 would like to invite all new teams to attend the Peachtree Regional(which is literally 2 mins from our workshop) and the Palmetto Regional.

As for all of the returning teams, WELCOME BACK!!!

I believe that Team 1884 is going to Chesapeake Regional. :slight_smile:

Just a footnote on the regional list.

The Microsoft Seattle Regional is going to have room for more teams. We will have final numbers in a few days. See my post in the Regional Competition section.


There is a new Florida team forming at Lyman High School in Seminole County, Team 2757 - Just Bad. Team 1902 has loaned them thier 2007 robot to modify and they will be participating in TNT next weekend.

I’d like to welcome all the rookie teams to FIRST. Hang on tight! It is a wild, crazy and fun ride that will impact your lives for decades to come.


It looks like FIRST has cleared a lot of the 1st regional waitlisted teams.
The published capacities jumped and a bunch of teams that I knew had registered, but didn’t appear on the registered team list are now there and on the regional team lists.

Getting ready for tomorrow’s open registration I see.

Just shy of 1300 teams, registration is almost 200 teams ahead of this time last year. including that rookie from Istanbul.

team 1018 will be at Boilermaker Regional

See ya there!!!

Here is a simple plot of the registration trends over the past several years.

Texas is running away with starting new teams followed by Washington.
197 New Teams (193 rookies, 4 non-rookies)

TX Count             34                              
WA Count           19                              
OK Count           12                              
MN Count           11                              
MI Count             11                              
IL Count              11                              
DC Count            9                                
NY Count            7                                
CA Count            7                                
MO Count           6                                
MA Count           6                                
OH Count           5                                
WI Count            4                                
PR Count            4                                
OR Count           4                                
ON Count           4                                Canada
FL Count            4                                
MD Count           3                                
IN Count             3                                
HI Count             3                                
GA Count           3                                
CT Count            3                                
CO Count           3                                
AZ Count            3                                
TN Count            2                                
SC Count            2                                
NJ Count            2                                
MS Count           2                                
KY Count            2                                
ID Count             2                                
VA Count            1                                
UT Count            1                                
TK Count            1                                Turkey
NH Count            1                                
AL Count            1                                
AK Count            1                                

Popular Regionals:
The first week has four full regionals already, before 2nd regional registration opens.
Can’t tell what the capacities of the Michigan **events are, and those totals below do include 120 twice counted MI teams attending their two district events.

W eek 1           
65 (full)            Washington DC Regional
50 (full)            Oklahoma City Regional
50                    Greater Kansas City Regional
48 (full)            Midwest Regional
42 (full)            BAE Systems Granite State Regional
33                    **Traverse City District
31                    New Jersey Regional
27                    Buckeye Regional
Week 2            
51 (full)            Boston Regional
37                    **Kettering University District
35                    Oregon Regional
33                    Finger Lakes Regional
30                    New York City Regional
22                    San Diego Regional
Week 3            
52                    Florida Regional
40 (full)            Silicon Valley Regional
32                    **Cass Tech District
30                    Los Angeles Regional
29                    Peachtree Regional
27                    Wisconsin Regional
27                    Dallas Regional
15                    Pittsburgh Regional
7                      Israel Regional
Week 4            
43                    Microsoft Seattle Regional
35                    NASA VCU Regional
34                    Arizona Regional
32                    **Detroit District
28                    Boilermaker Regional
28                    Philadelphia Regional
28                    **Lansing District
20                    Chesapeake Regional
19                    St. Louis Regional
15                    Bayou Regional
6                      Waterloo Regional
Week 5            
45 (full)            SBPLI Long Island Regional
34                    **West Michigan District
32                    Lone Star Regional
32                    **Troy District
31                    Greater Toronto Regional
24                    Connecticut Regional
20                    Palmetto Regional
19                    Sacramento Regional
19                    Colorado Regional
15                    Las Vegas Regional
14                    Hawaii Regional
?                      **Michigan State
Week 6            
26                    Minnesota 10000 Lakes Regional
24                    Minnesota North Star Regional
** restricted to Michigan teams only

That was fast!

2nd event registration opened and vroom all available Championship slots were filled within 20 minutes.
One new team snuck onto the list, but was soon pulled by FIRST.

Many Regionals went quickly to their published max capacity too, although I’m sure many waitlisted teams will make it to the event of their choice.

wow 65 for for wahsington! how come they have so many?

florida is second but i know we will have more

Dang, 51 teams for Connecticut - quite a one day explosion. Can’t wait.

Yes, a lot of regular attendees used their first sign up for other events. Now it looks like the whole state of CT and some teams from all the other New England States will be there to welcome you. Looking forward to it!

65 for DC??? I thought the official number was 58. Who are the 7 teams pending out of curiosity.

Snapshot of registration as of 10/30/2008

As a side note, it looks like FIRST handled registration like they used to some years ago - first-signed up = first-registered in a second regional or at the Championships. For the past few years it had been first-paid = first-registered and you wouldn’t show up on the team list until payment was received by FIRST, but this year you got on the registered list right away without having to pay beforehand. FIRST also did not accept pre-payment in advance of registering.

7 resurrected veteran teams. 4 took one year off and 3 took two years off.
I didn’t look to see how many old teams were given new team numbers, but there are 5 new teams that are technically non-rookies.

Where Teams are from in 2009

**MI                    **122
**CA                   **120
**NY                   **104
**TX                    **72
**NJ                   **53
**MN                  **52
**MA                  **50
**VA                   **49
**ON  Canada   **48
**MO                  **47
**OK                  **47
**WA                  **46
**IL                     **45
**FL                   **42
**PA                   **40
**AZ                   **34
**CT                   **32
**OH                  **32
**IN                    **29
**WI                   **28
**OR                  **26
**NH                   **25
**GA                  **24
**CO                  **23
**MD                  **23
**KS                   **20
**SC                   **19
**HI                    **17
**DC                   **13
**LA                   **12
**PR                   **12
**MS                  **10
**NV                   **10
**ID                    **9
**Israel               **8
**NC                   **7
**ME                  **6
**AL**               5
**ND                   **5
**TN                   **4
**United Kingdom  **4
**UT                   **4
**AK                   **3
**Brazil              **3
**IA                    **3
**KY                   **3
**VT                   **3
**WV                  **3
**BC  Canada    **2
**DE                   **2
**Mexico            **2
**NM                  **2
**RI                    **2
**WY                  **2
**AR                   **1
**Chile**               1
**Netherlands**   1
**QC Canada     **1
**Turkey**          1

Capacity usually has more than these publicly listed slots available, but how many? Only the Regional Directors know for sure, and the waitlisted teams they may have spoken to.

W eek 1           
58 (full)            Washington DC Regional
51 (full)            Oklahoma City Regional
54 (full)            Greater Kansas City Regional
47 (full)            Midwest Regional
42 (full)            BAE Systems Granite State Regional
33   ?                **Traverse City MI District
56 (full)           New Jersey Regional
44                    Buckeye Regional
Week 2            
52 (full)            Boston Regional
37   ?                 **Kettering University MI District
53                    Oregon Regional
42                    Finger Lakes Regional
53                    New York City Regional
28                    San Diego Regional
Week 3            
54 (full)           Florida Regional
40 (full)           Silicon Valley Regional
32  ?                **Cass Tech MI District
44                    Los Angeles Regional
40  (full)          Peachtree Regional
43                    Wisconsin Regional
43                    Dallas Regional
24  (full)          Pittsburgh Regional
Week 4            
45                    NASA VCU Regional
40                    Arizona Regional
33   ?               **Detroit MI District
30  (full)          Boilermaker Regional
46  (full)          Philadelphia Regional
28   ?               **Lansing MI District
42                    Chesapeake Regional
27                    St. Louis Regional
25                    Bayou Regional
9                      Waterloo Regional
8                      Israel Regional
Week 5            
58 (full)           Microsoft Seattle Regional
45  (full)          SBPLI Long Island Regional
34   ?               **West Michigan MI District
53  (full)          Lone Star Regional
32    ?               **Troy MI District
53                    Greater Toronto Regional
53  (full)          Connecticut Regional
27  (full)          Palmetto Regional
34  (full)          Sacramento Regional
33                    Colorado Regional
34                    Las Vegas Regional
22                    Hawaii Regional
?                      **Michigan State
Week 6            
40  (full)          Minnesota 10000 Lakes Regional
32                    Minnesota North Star Regional
** restricted to Michigan teams only – capacities are not publicized

New teams (including 5 technically non-rookies) are from:

TX                      39
WA                    21
MN                     14
OK                     13
MI                      11
IL                       11
DC                     9
CA                     8
NY                     7
MO                    7
MA                     6
OR                     5
OH                     5
GA                     5
WI                      4
PR                     4
ON                     4
FL                      4
CO                     4
MD                     3
IN                       3
ID                       3
HI                       3
CT                      3
AZ                      3
VA                     2
UT                      2
TN                      2
SC                     2
NJ                      2
MS                     2
LA                      2
KY                     2
AL                 2
Turkey            1
NH                     1
AK                     1

I changed it to reflect the official tally. Only FIRST knows who’ll be allowed in from the wait-list. All the rookies are in, but I speculate that FIRST will pull from the wait-listed teams to fill out a final field of maybe 64/65 teams. It really depends on rented floor space in the venue for the pits, and of course teams willing to wait on the wait-list instead of trying elsewhere.

who are the 7 resuracted teams?

Last competed in 2006:
225 York, PA
977 South Boston, VA
1257 Scotch Plains, NJ

Last competed in 2007:
886 North York, Ontario
1452 Los Angeles, CA
1770 Chicago, IL
1856 Redford, MI