2009 Suffield Shakedown Scrimmage

A big thanks out to FRC 176, Aces High, for hosting the scrimmage again this year. It’s certainly a wonderful opportunity to see the game in action and give the teams a chance to get some practice time in before ship day. It was nice to see the VIPs who attended opening ceremonies. The event volunteers were great, as usual! Thanks for FIRST personnel who were there helping on Friday and Saturday. I appreciate that Steve Chism, VP of Programs at FIRST, stopped in at our NEMO meeting in the afternoon. Thanks to the FLL teams and 178 for hosting the Dream FIRST program. And especially “thank you!” to the teams for their patience throughout the day.

Congrats to teams 1124, 126 and 195.

And congratulations to MaryGrace Susca, FRC 571, team Paragon, Windsor, CT, recipient of the 2nd anual Dave Leenhouts award. The award is presented yearly in honor an adult mentor/leader/teacher/engineer who has been nominated by his or her student team members for being an exemplary leader through their vision, dedication, and inspiration. That certainly describes MaryGrace!

I would like to add my congratulations to MaryGrace. She has the kind of energy and enthusiasm that inspires everyone around her.