are the kit jaguars(not the black ones) that where shipped this year fixed?like if i look at the serial number is there a point where they had them fixed? we had big issues with them last year and want to make sure also we havent updated them or anything so i dont know if thats possible but just a thought
Fixed in what way? Or against what problem?
There was an issue seen last year in a small amount of Jaguars (I believe it was well under 1%) where one driving direction would be lost (either forward or backwards).
I’m working from memory, but I believe they tracked this down to a specific FET that wasn’t up to snuff. You can search for the issue and find it.
As Chief Delphi commonly does though, the people who had problems complained and the people who didn’t have issues didn’t complain. This seems to have resulted in a somewhat slanted view of the actual failure rate.
The new black Jags have this issue remedied. We’ve been unable to get an answer on the gray ones so far. There is another discussion on this issue that you can find in one of the can threads where we’re waiting for the answer. They (TI) may be a bit reticent because they don’t want to appear to suggest that there is anything truly wrong with the gray jaguars - many teams used them pretty successfully last year.
To answer for Howie (we’re on the same team), we had an issue with all four of our jags last year frying at the same time. We’re wondering if the jags in the new kop are more reliable, ie, there’s been some kind of revision to improve it with the later serial numbers (not sure the best way to explain it). We know the new black ones are supposed to be more reliable
Does anyone else know for a fact that the black jags no longer face the same issues that was seen on last year’s jaguars? Has anyone who has had time to play with the black jaguar reported any failures?
Our team needs to decide on jaguars or victors soon, and if the black jaguars are just as unreliable as the jaguars were last year, we might shell out the extra $30 each and use victors.
Quick question for anyone who went to the northeastern kickoff… does anyone know what parts from the KOP were missing?
The black jaguars definitely got some component upgrades to help address some of the problems found last year.
Please note, however, that I am not going to vouch for the black jaguar’s reliability. At the failure rate seen in the gray jags (very low), there simply aren’t enough black jags out there among the beta testers to give a statiscal sample size worth commenting on.
You need to be wary of static discharge near the Jags. I suggest covering the unused pins with an insulator.
We were able to repeat failures and trace it to static.
Manchester was out of the main regulator and gloves when we picked up our kit.