Thursday, January 21, 2010 is national “Thank Your Mentor Day.”
January 2010 is National Mentoring Month.
This is a wonderful opportunity for teams to give their mentors special thanks and to publicize the work their mentors do.
Remember your technical mentors such as the engineers and machinists, and your non-technical mentors, such as your teachers, parents, college students and other adults who help your team. Tell your community how important your mentors are to your team.
There are thousands of mentors involved in FIRST this year.
We have a lot to be thankful for.
Some ideas:
• contact your local newspaper, radio or TV station for a story about your mentors and your team
• PA announcements at your school.
• post your thanks on
• have an open house
• write a thank you note or download a thank you post card from:
I was actually wondering when that was. Thanks for the reminder!
We’ve never celebrated it in years past, and when I learned about it last year, it had already gone by. We’re going to be meeting on that day (and every day after the 9th…) so we’ll probably take time at the beginning of the meeting to do some kind of ceremony =]
It’s today!
* Tweet a message thanking your mentor on Twitter using the hashtag #thanksmentor with a link to the Who Mentored You page giving others an opportunity to thank their mentors.
I’d like to thank the mentors I had growing up. Without them, I may not care too much about mentoring this generation. Who knows, in 15 years somebody on our team will take a youth leadership roll in something.